Monday, June 19, 2023

Kennedy Moon-Shot Speech

Salah satu detik sejarah besar dalam misi perlumbaan angkasa lepas Amerika adalah ucapan Presiden Kennedy dalam perjumpaan pada 1961-1962. Kennedy mengumum hasrat pimpinan Amerika untuk menghantar manusia ke Bulan dan membawa pulang angkasawan berkenaan ke Bumi dengan selamat.

“I believe that this Nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth.” [25 May 1961]

source: mm (link)

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Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Allan Shepard - Astronaut Amerika Pertama Ke Angkasa

Amerika yang ketinggalan dalam perlumbaan angkasa berbanding Russia melancar misi menghantar angkasawan pertama mereka dua bulan selepas Yuri Gargarin. Pada 5 Mei 1961 Allan Shepard berjaya dalam misi ke angkasa lepas dengan roket Mercury, Freedom 7. Beliau berada di angkasa lepas cuma selama 15 minit dengan misi sub-orbital. Kelainan misi Shepard adalah beliau mengendali sendiri dan sepenuhnya kapal Mercury Freedom 7. Tidak seperti mana Yuri Gargarin yang roketnya dipandu secara auto.

Five things you didn't know about Shepard. how stuff work (link).

Alan Shepard steps out of Freedom Seven aboard 

USS Lake Champlain (CVS-39), 5 May 1961

source: navy history (link)

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Saturday, June 10, 2023

Pertama Mengorbit Bumi Yuri Gargarin (1961)

Russia terus mencatat kejayaan misi angkasa lepas pada April 1961 selepas Sputnik. Russia berjaya melalui misi manusia pertama terbang ke angkasa lepas. Yuri Gargarin berjaya dalam misi bersama kapal angkasa Vostok berada di angkasa lepas. Beliau melakukan orbit penuh. Sungguh pun begitu kapal angkasa yang membawa beliau dikendali sepenuhnya secara auto tanpa penglibatan atau kendalian Yuri Gargarin. Misi penerbangan Gargarin berjalan selam 108 minit. Turut berbangga dengan kejayaan Gargarin ialah Korolev, tokoh roket angkasa Soviet.

Baca the first man to go into space. universe today (link).

Yuri Gargarin

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Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Roket, Nazi dan Poland

Bila membincang tentang roket, sejarah dan kaitannya dengan Nazi Jerman pasti menjadi salah satu topik utama. Kegiatan awal membangun dan menguji roket juga melibatkan Poland. 

Petikan ghdi - link:

National Socialist war and armaments planning gave high priority to rocket and aviation technology. Wernher von Braun’s program to develop the V-2, a long-range ballistic artillery rocket, was regarded as particularly significant. The program was supported by the military and later by the SS with all available means. The first successful launch of the V-2 occurred in 1942. Starting in 1944, it was used mainly against British cities. Promoted as the "wonder weapon," the V-2 had hardly any influence on the war. In fact, it played a more important role in propaganda campaigns than in military ones. Until the end of the war, many Germans believed these weapons would give Germany a last-minute "final victory."

Baca juga soviet intelligence on the German rocketry (link).

Apakah GHDI? German history in documents and images (link).

Nazi prisoners and rocket. forbes (link).

The rollout of the A-4 rocket in the testing area, known as "Heidelager," near Blizna, Poland

source: russian (link)

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Friday, June 2, 2023

What is Sounding Rocket?

Ada juga roket yang dikelas sebagai sounding rocket. Apakah maksud sounding rocket?

Petikan wiki (link):

A sounding rocket or rocketsonde, sometimes called a research rocket or a suborbital rocket, is an instrument-carrying rocket designed to take measurements and perform scientific experiments during its sub-orbital flight.

As early as 1947 in the USA, and in the mid-1950s in Europe, a few rockets based on the V2 were used as sounding rockets to study unexplored features of the upper atmosphere and near- Earth orbit. However, all rocket development until the mid-1950s was predominantly aimed at serving military purposes.

Baca "The history of sounding rockets and their contribution to European space research". esa (link).

Nasa sounding rockets 1958-1968: a historical summary. (link).

origin of nasa names - sounding rocket (link) nasa books - link2.

source: nasa (link)

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