Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Histories of Mexico City Olympic Games 1968


Sukan Olimpik Mexico City mencetus banyak sejarah dan memori yang menjadi kenangan. 

Baca "Twelve ways the Mexico City 1968 Olympic Games influenced the case of history". teamusa dot com - link.

Fosbury Flop - satu memori Mexico Olympic 1968

Baca "Mexico's 1968 legacy gets fresh impetus on 50th anniversary". olympics dot com - link.

Memori sudut politik "Mexico City 1968 - black power and soviet oppression". dw dot com - link.

memori atlet kenya kip keino - link.

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Friday, May 21, 2021

Tesis Mexico City Olympic Games 1968


Olimpik Mexico 1968 mencatat berbagai sejarah dan menjadi tajuk kajian akademik kepada pengkaji. Ada sebuah tesis phd terhasil dari peristiwa Olimpik Mexico. Tesis bertajuk Protest at the pyramid: The 1968 Mexico City Olympics and the politicization of the Olympic Games". Tesis oleh Kevin Whitherspoon Florida State Uni tahun 2003.


The quest for modernity.


Thin air and other controversies.

The project.


October 1968.


Source: fsu - link

Stadium Olimpik Mexico 1968

Baca "1968 Olympics symbol of turbulent times, turn 50". saudi gazette 2018 - link.

Baca juga "Time it was: 1968 around the world". origins osu - link.

The Olympic revolt of 1968. open edition journal - link.

buku hotel mexico 1968. u of california press - link.

the 1968 olympic protest and their aftermath. u of chicago press - link.

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Monday, May 17, 2021

Koleksi Buku Surveying Perpustakaan Awam

Perpustakaan Awam adalah fasiliti yang yang disediakan oleh perbadanan perpustakaan setempat seperti kerajaan negeri dan majlis tempatan. Koleksi buku yang tersimpan di perpustakaan awam adalah berfokus untuk pembacaan umum. Maka majoriti buku yang ada adalah untuk pembaca dari kalangan orang awam.

Ada juga sedikit koleksi buku dengan judul surveying yang ditemui. Namun judul yang ada adalah buku terbitan lama yang sudah obsolete kandungannya.

Sedikit buku surveying di Librari Raja Tun Uda

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Friday, May 14, 2021

Recent Articles on Geoid Modelling

Berikut adalah beberapa artikel jurnal terkini berkaitan dengan geodesi fizikal;

“An alternative approach to generate temporal geopotential models similar to GRACE”. Survey Review, Vol 52, Issue 374, 2020.

“The impact of terrestrial gravity data density on geoid accuracy: case study Bilogora in Croatia. . Survey Review, Vol 52, Issue 373, 2020.

“The 5mm geoid model for Estonia computed by the least squares modified Stokes’ formula”. Survey Review, Vol 52, Issue 373, 2020.

“Study on the selection of optimal global geopotential models for geoid determination in Kuwait. Survey Review, Vol 52, Issue 373, 2020.

“Precise local quasigeoid modelling using GNSS/levelling height anomalies and gravity data. . Survey Review, Vol 52, Issue 370, 2020.

Accuracy on unmodified Stokes’ integration in the r-c-r procedure for geoid computation” by Zahra Ismail and Olivier Jamet. Journal of Applied Geodesy, 2015, 9(2). 22 pages. Link – hal.

“Hybrid geoid model theory and application in Brazil”. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (2017) 89(3): 1943-1959. (Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences). Link – scielo.

“Evaluation of transition to updated regional Q-geoid model”. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Science, 2018. 11 m/surat. Link – sciencedo.

What is geoid?

source: NOS - link

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Monday, May 10, 2021

Artikel Geodesy for Gravity & Height System

Sebuah publication – A special issue of “Geodesy for Gravity and Height System” terbitan mdpi di bawah kategori Remote Sensing.

Ada beberapa artikel yang amat relevan dengan geodesi fizikal.

Source – link.

GPS surveying in operation

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Friday, May 7, 2021

The History of Computer in Celestial Mechanics (Thesis 2011)

Pemakaian komputer dalam bidang geomatik adalah satu yang sangat perlu. Pemakaian komputer amat relevan kerana geomatik melibatkan banyak kerja hitungan. Sebut sahaja apa bidang pun dalam geomatik – astronomi, geodesi, pelarasan spatial dan sebagainya pasti ada hitungan yang terlibat.

Berikut adalah satu contoh pemakaian komputer dalam bidang astronomi yang melibatkan celestial mechanic.

Satu tesis phd dalam sejarah bertajuk “Just a beginning: computers and celestial mechanics in the work of Wallace J Eckert” selesai pada 2011 lalu. Tesis oleh Allan Olley dikemuka ke Institute for History and Philosophy of Science, University of Toronto.

This thesis details and analyzes the interaction between computers and science in a particular case. The case is the career of Wallace J. Eckert (1902-1971). Eckert was a professor of astronomy at Columbia University and scientific researcher for IBM. He has received some attention in the history of computing for his significant work in machine computation in the 1930s and 1940s and was the foremost expert on lunar theory for much of his life.


The methods of celestial mechanics
Eckert before computer
Ever onward – Eckert at IBM
Eckert’s work on the SSEC
Eckert’s later work on lunar theory

Royal Observatory

Source: Dell D – web fght – Ogos – Ogos G – french expedition

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Monday, May 3, 2021

Mantan KPU (1976-1979)


Jupem dalam website mereka melapor bahawa Mantan Ketua Pengarah Ukur Dato’ Paul Foo telah meninggal dunia. Mendiang memegang jawatan KPU pada period September 1976 hingga March 1979.

The  Late Paul Foo (1924-2019)

KPU period 1976-1979

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