Sunday, August 30, 2020

International Workshop on Geoid Calculation – West Uni


UTM berjaya mengendalikan KTH Geoid School sebanyak dua kali. Kali pertama pada 2012 dan berikutnya pada 2016. Sejak itu Geoid School tersebut telah tertangguh walaupun ada usaha penganjurannya di KTH dan juga oleh West Univ.

Usaha terkini adalah untuk penganjuran pada Aug 18 -20 di West University, Sweden. Namun oleh kerana pandemik Covid-19 yang belum mereda maka rancangan tersebut terpaksa dibatalkan.

Baca info mengenai penganjuran Geoid Shool di West Univ – link.

Foto ketika perasmian Geoid School KTH-UTM 2016

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Sunday, August 23, 2020

Ilmuwan Andalusia Ibn Zuhr (1094-1162)


Ibn Zuhr saintis Islam zaman silam yang menyumbang dalam bidang perubatan.

Baca muslim heritage, Ibn Zuhr and the progress of surgery (heritage

How early Islamic science advanced medicine - natgeographic 2016.

Kedai menjual wangian

Baca juga entri mengenai Ibn Zuhr di link berikut - zuhr.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Bacaan Tentang Ibnu Sina


Banyak kajian dan penulisan tentang Ibnu Sina (980-1037) yang boleh diakses. Antaranya adalah:

"The metaphysics of causation in the creation accounts of Avicenna and Aquinas". Tesis phd Purdue University tahun 2013. Tebal 225 m/surat. Link - purdue.

[Historical introduction - Creation, Aristotelian efficient causatian, Neoplatonic emanation, Problem of creation; Avicenna on creating; Aquinas on creating; Conclusion]

"Ash'arism meets Avicennism: Sayf al-Din al-Amid's doctrine of creation". Tesis phd SOAS tahun 2017. Tebal  284 m/surat. Link - soas.

[Al-Amidi's life and works; Concept of creation in al-Amidis intellectual context; al-Amidi's conception of possibility and necessity; al-Amidi's physical theory; al-Amidi's doctrine of creation; Conclusion]

"Pursuit of excellence by Muslim scientist with special reference to Ibn Sina" Tesis phd Universiti Malaya tahun 2011. Link - studentsrepo.

"Time and time again: A study of Aristotle and Ibn Sina's temporal theories". Tesis phd Pennsylvania Uni  tahun 1999. Tebal 422 m/surat. Link - upenn

[Introduction; Rethinking Aristotelian science; An analysis of Aristotelian motion; Aporiai and Endoxa - conditioning the problem space surrounding time; Aristotle on time - demonstrations concerning time and a clarification of the nature of the now; Historical developments and background to Ibn Sina's temporal theory; Ibn Sina's investigation into and confirmation of the essence of time; Ibn Sina's elucidation of the now; Conclusion]

"The materials in the works of Al-Farabi and Ibn Sina on which the metaphysical section of Al-Ghazali's Maqasid is based". Tesis phd Edin Uni tahun 1966. Tesis seliaan Montgomery Watt.

[Method and techniques; Problem of existence; Doctrine of the reality of body; Doctrine of the inseparable relation between matter and form; Doctrine of accidents; God; Attributes of God; Theory of emanation, Conclusion]

"Contributions of Ibn Sina to geographical knowledge". Artikel Indian Journal of Historical Science 1986. Tebal 5 m/surat. Link - aligarh.

Jemaah pulang selepas solat Isyak

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Saturday, August 15, 2020

Tesis The Fate of Islamic Science


Tesis bertajuk "The fate of islamic science between the eleventh and sixteenth centuries: a critical study of scholarship from Ibn Khaldun to present " oleh Mohamad Abdalla pada 2004. Tesis phd School of Science, Griffith Uni, Queensland Australia.


the importance of islamic science: progressive understanding in the scholarly community.

the scholarly community: ideal standards and constraining problems.

a comprehensive review of scholarship from Ibn Khaldun to the present.

the fate of Islamic mathematics in the Maghrib between the eleventh and sixteenth centuries. 

the fate of Islamic astronomy in Persia between the eleventh and sixteenth centuries.

the fate of Islamic astronomy in Egypt and Syria between the eleventh and sixteenth centuries.

the fate of Islamic medicine in Egypt and Syria between the eleventh and sixteenth centuries.

a discussion on the quality of scholarship on the fate of Islamic science.

the fate of Islamic science: a possible adequate intellectual model.

concluding remarks.

Source - griffith.

Kiosk minuman

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Saturday, August 8, 2020

Tesis Development of Sciences in Muslim Spain


Tesis "Development of Sciences in Muslim Spain" oleh Adam Malik Khan. Tesis phd Aligarh Muslim University pada 1997 seliaan Prof M Salim Kidwai.


Introduction; Medical Sciences 11-100; Geographical Sciences 101-145; Mathematical and Astronomical Sciences 146-194; Agricultural and Botanical Sciences 195-218; Conclusions.

Sumber - aligarh.

Rumah Makan Indonesia, Kota Madinah

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Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Buku Light From the East - Islamic Science


Ada sebuah buku mengenai sumbangan sains Islam kepada Barat bertajuk "Light from the East - How the science of medieval Islam helped to shape the Western World". Buku tulisan John Freely terbitan IB Tauris 2011. Buku 260 m/surat.


1. Science before science - Mesopotamia and Egypt.

2. The land of the Greeks.

3. The roads to Baghdad.

4. Abbasid Baghdad- The House of Wisdom.

5. 'Spiritual Physicks'

6. From Baghdad to Central Asia.

7. The cure of ignorance.

8. Fatimid Cairo - the science of light.

9. Ayyubid and Mamluk Cairo - healing body and soul.

10. Ingenious mechanical devices.

11. Islamic technology.

12. Al-Andalus.

13. From the Maghrib to the two Sicilies - Arabic into Latin.

14. Incoherent Philosophers

15. Maragha and Samarkand - spheres within spheres.

16. Arabic Science and the European Renaissance

17. Copernicus and his Arabic predecessors.

18. The scientific revolution.

19. The heritage of Islamic sciences.

Folder: D 1 2020 jun qibla.

University of Greenwich

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Saturday, August 1, 2020

Old Library Trinity College


Old Library adalah sebahagian dari Trinity College, Dublin. Ia juga adalah tergolong dalam senarai seratus librari terbesar dunia. Baca "Old Library Trinity College: link - asean records..

Old Library, Trinity College, Dublin

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