Monday, July 20, 2009

IAG 133 - Observing Our Changing Earth (Perugia 2007)

IAG 132 "Observing Our Changing Earth" is the proceedings of the IAG General Assembly held in Perugia Italy in July 2007. The proceedings was edited by Michael Sideris. The 2007 Assembly attracted over 400 geodesists from 49 countries, including 120 students.

This volume contains the proceedings of these five Symposia, which are listed below:

Symp GS001: Reference Frames [Convener: H. Drewes; Co-convener: A. Dermanis]
Symp GS002: Gravity Field [Convener: C. Jekeli; Co-conveners: U. Marti, S. Okubo, N. Sneeuw, I. Tziavos, G. Vergos, M. Vermeer, P. Visser]
Symp GS003: Earth Rotation and Geodynamics [Convener: V. Dehant; Co-convener: Chengli Huang]
Symp GS004: Positioning and Applications [Convener: C. Rizos; Co-convener: S. Verhagen]
Symp GS005: The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) [Conveners: M. Rothacher; Co-conveners: R. Neilan, H.-P. Plag]

IAG 133 (Published in 2009)

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Friday, July 17, 2009

IAG 132: VI Hotine-Marussi Symposium (2006)

IAG 132 "VI Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Theoretical and Computational Geodesy" is the proceedings  of the IAG Symposium held at Wuhan China in 2006. The proceedings was edited by Xu Peiliang (Kyoto University), Jingnan Liu (Wuhan University) and Dermanis (AUT Thessaloniki). Series editor is Fernando Sanso. The VI Hotine-Marussi Symposium was organized by the Inter Commission Committee on Theory (ICCT) with Xu Peiliang is the President of ICCT.

Xu Peiliang (Kyoto University - link; researchgate)
PhD Geodesy, Wuhan 1989; joined Kyoto U in 1997

The VI Hotine-Marussi Symposium was unique in the senses that:
(i) this is the first Hotine-Marussi symposium to go beyond mathematical geodesy; (ii) this is the first time for a Hotine-Marussi symposium to be held outside Europe; and (iii) this is the first time that a Hotine Marussi symposium was organized by an IAG entity instead of by Prof. F. Sanso and his group, as was traditionally the case.

IAG 132 (Published in 2008)

The symposium covers the following topics - satellite gravity and geodynamics; reference frame, gps theory, algorithms and applications; statistical estimation: methods and applications; GBVPs inverse problem theory;

Among the papers published in IAG 132;
Variance Component Estimation by the Method of Least-Squares  by P.J.G. Teunissen, A.R. Amiri-Simkooei.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

LSGI HKPU (2005)

I visited LSGI at Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPU) for the first time in Dec 2005. The visit was on a special program as visiting researcher and the trip there was coincided with another big event at LSGI - The 2005 International Symposium on GPS/GNSS (GNSS2005) which took place in Hong Kong, 8-10 December 2005. My trip to HKPU was joined also by another colleague Mr Rusli Othman.

This research visit was mainly utilized to discussed with Prof Chen Yonqi on geodetic deformation analysis in line with the on-going IRPA research on the same topic. The opportunity also was taken to access HKPU Main Library to look for past papers in Manuscripta Geodaetica which were not available at PSZ Utm.

Photo taken at HKPU in-front GNSS 2005 banner
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Monday, July 13, 2009

IAG 131 - Geodetic Deformation Spain (2005)

IAG 131 "Geodetic Deformation Monitoring: From Geophysical to Engineering Roles" is the proceedings of IAG Symposium held in Jaen Spain in 2005. The proceedings was edited by Fernando Sanso and Antonio J Gill (University of Jaen). The Symposium has been organized by the Geodesy Research Group of the Jaén University (Spain). About eighty people from more than twenty countries have attended the symposium. Fifty-five papers have been presented in the oral and poster sessions. The opening address was on the topic "Recent Crustal Movements, Geodetic Tasks, History, Present and Future" by H.G. Henneberg (University of Zulia, Venezuela).

A J Gil (researchgate)
Gil is also active in geoid research particularly in GeoMed2 project

IAG 131 (Published in 2006)
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Friday, July 10, 2009

IAG 130 - Dynamic Planet (Cairns 2005)

IAG 130 - Dynamic Planet is the proceedings of the IAG Symposium held in Cairns, Australia in August 2005. The full theme of the symposium was Dynamic Planet: monitoring and understanding a Dynamic Planet with geodetic and oceanographic tools. The proceedings was edited by Paul Tregoning (ANU) and Chris Rizos (UNSW). Series editor was Fernando Sanso.

Paul Tregoning (source)
BSc 1990 UNSW; PhD 1996 UNSW
(he did his PhD while Brunner was still in UNSW)

IAG 130 (Published in 2007)
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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Budapest Geoid School 2005

The Geoid School in Budapest was the sixth in series organized by IAG. Prior to that the International Geoid Schools, started in Milan (Italy, 1994) and continued in Rio de Janeiro (Brasil, 1997), Milan (1999), Johor (Malaysia, 2000) and Thessaloniki (Greece, 2002).
The School was organized by the International Geoid Service (IGeS) and BUTE/HAS. The members of the Local Organizing Committee were: József Ádám (Chairman), Lóránt Földváry, Szabolcs Rózsa (Secretary) and Gyula Tóth.

As usual the IAG geoid school consists of five main lectures and each topic was delivered by prominent professor(s).  Lectures at the Budapest geoid school were arranged as follows;
i) Fernandó Sansó (A compendium of physical geodesy in view of geoid computation and related height questions),
ii) Riccardo Barzaghi (The Global Geopotential Models),
iii) Christian C. Tscherning (Geoid Determination by least-squares collocation using GRAVSOFT),
iv) Michael G. Sideris (Geoid Determination by FFT Techniques) and
v) Ilias N. Tziavos (The Terrain Effects in Geoid Estimation).

The door to IAG Geoid School lecture room
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Monday, July 6, 2009

IAG Geoid School 2005

I was fortunate enough having the opportunity attending the IAG Geoid School held at Budapest in February 2005. This was the sixth geoid school organized by IAG and it was very success with close to thirty participants registered. The event was hosted by Geodesy Department of Budapest University of Technology (BUTE).

Participants of IAG Geoid School (2005)

49 participants arrived to the school from the following 19 countries: Canada (3), Croatia (3), Czech Republic (1), Denmark (3), France (3), Germany (3), Greece (1), Hungary (5), Italy (3), Malaysia (1), Pakistan (8), Poland (4), Portugal (1), Saudi Arabia (3), Slovakia (1), Slovenia (1), Spain (2), Turkey (2) and Ukraine (1)

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Friday, July 3, 2009

Penyelian PSM 2004/05

Dua pelajar berjaya menyiapkan PSM mereka di bawah seliaan saya sepanjang sesi 2005/05. Mereka ialah;

Mohd Izzudin bin Ali "Penghasilan elemen grafik untuk analisis tren dalam analisa deformasi.
Muhd Faeiz bin Mohd Shaidi "Perlaksanaan satu kaedah robust dengan matrik pemberat berlelaran untuk analisa deformasi".

Izzudin mengerjakan PSM menyambung pakej yang dibangun oleh Ernyza (Fredy03) dengan membuat penambahan untuk menyertakan penyediaan elemen grafik.

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