Monday, March 25, 2019

Stamping the Earth from Space

Buku yang memuatkan perihal setem. Buku terbitan tahun 2017.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Tesis Keplerian revolution - argument for heliocentrism (1999)

Sebuah tesis phd 'The Keplerian revolution - astronomy, physics and the argument for heliocentrism' ditulis oleh Bryce Hemsley Bennett. Tesis dikemuka kepada University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada pada 1999.


1 Introduction
2 Copernican Heliocentrism
3 Kepler's response to the mystery - a new cosmology
4 The Apologia pro Tychone contra Ursum and its place in Kepler's natural philosophy
5 The new astronomy - the birth of astrophysics
6 Conclusion

D astronomi

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Monday, March 18, 2019

Subjek Advanced Physical Geodesy ITU


Program Geodesy ITU Turkey mempunyai subjek APG dalam program postgraduate mereka. Topik yang disenaraikan agak menarik dan terkini.

Source - itu.

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Saturday, March 9, 2019

Tesis Berkait Kepler

Beberapa tesis dengan tajuk yang merangkumi Kepler dan astronomi telah di simpan dalam database.

Concept of the 'scientific revolution': an analysis of the historiographical appraisal of the traditional claims of science. John Onyekachi Nnaji, Doctoral thesis, Dept of Philosophy, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain, 2013.

A mathematical elucidation  of the bases of Kepler's law, A E L Davis, PhD Thesis, Imperial College, U of London.

The Keplerian revolution: astronomy, physics, and the argument for heliocentrism. Bryce Hemsley Bennett, PhD Philosophy, U of Western Ontario, 1999.

Kepler's "war on Mars" and the usurpartion of the seventeenth-century astronomy. William Anthony Robert Dorsey, PhD in Astronomy, James Cook Uni, 2012.

Observations and predictions of eclipse times by astronomers in the pre-telescopic period. John Michael Steele, Phd Physic, Durham, 1999.

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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Paris Observatory - Bahan Bacaan

Paris Observatory dibina pada 1667 dan siap pada 1671 pada zaman pemerintahan Louis XIV. Penubuhan dan pembinaannya adalah cetusan ide oleh Jean-Baptiste Colbert, menteri kewangan ketika itu. Banyak penulisan mengenai Paris Observatory dan peranan Louis XIV serta mereka yang terlibat dengannya di peringkat awal penubuhannya seperti Domenico Cassini.

Berikut adalah bebrapa bahan bacaan berkait PO;

Louis XIV: Patron of Science and Technology. Purdue University 1984. 14 pages. Link - purdue
The Observatory of the Sun King and the Classical Astronomy. 11 pages. Link - Dell D Greek Philosophers - PO
Cassini and the Paris Observatory. 1971. 2 pages. Link - harvard
Instruments on display at the PO - Laurence Bobis & Suzanne Debarbat (2014). 2 pages. Link - Dell D Greek Philosophers - PO
Louis IV: Glory and decline - 2011. Link - Dell D Greek Philosophers - PO
Giovanni Domenico Cassini. 2017. 2 pages. Link - Dell D Greek Philosophers - PO
Jean-Baptiste Colbert. Link - myglasgow
King Louis IV of France. Link - myglasgow
Louis XIV visits the observatory. Link - obspm
Paris Observatory in the time of Louis XIV 17th century. Link - alamy
Science fit for a King. Nature 2010. 1 page. Link - nature
Louis XIV. Link - history
Louis XV. Link - bbc
Cartography .. contributions of Cassinis. Link - carto
A Turk at Versailles. Paul Lunde, Aramco World, 1993. Link - aramco.

Paris Observatory

sumber: timeout dot com - link.
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Saturday, March 2, 2019

Physical Geodesy Geodetic Institute Karlsruhe


Pertama kali mendengar nama Karlsruhe ialah ketika belajar tentang ukur deformasi unb. Ada satu teknik menganalisa deformasi yang diperkenal oleh kumpulan geodetik dari Karlsruhe Uni. Selain ukur deformasi Karlsruhe juga mempunyai team geodesi yang hebat. Salah satu fokus mereka adalah dalam geodesi fizikal. Antara penyelidikan terkini kumpulan geodesi fizikal Karlsruhe adalah:

Height reference surface for Africa; Tesseroid Method; Bouguer anomalies for the German state of Saarland; Global topographic-isostatic model and Quantification of uncertainty in gravity field modelling.

Ellipsoidal and topographical effects in the scalar free geodetic boundary value problem; Ellipsoidal effects in the inverse Stokes problem and Studies to determine vertical datums.

Baca "Geoid model of Africa" Link - geoid 2019.

Source - Geodesi KIG - link.

Satu pemandangan kampus KIT

source - link

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