Thursday, March 31, 2016

Mesyuarat GWG Team 2

Mesyuarat GWG Team 2 yang pertama untuk tahun 2016 diadakan pada Mac 31.  Mesyuarat berlangsung di Bahagian Ukur Geodetik (BUG) Aras 7 Bangunan Jupem. Kehadiran ahli Team 2 sangat baik dan mesyuarat turut dihadiri oleh jemputan yang terdiri empat wakil G&G Utm serta seorang dari Uitm. Mesyuarat bermula jam 9.30 pagi mengikut jadual dan tamat sebaik sebelum waktu makan tengah hari.

Group photo
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Dr Dudy's official farewell ceremony

The official farewell ceremony of Dr Dudy leaving Fght was held this morning at G&G Lab.

The slide

Dean presented him souvenir

Group photo session

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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Farewell to Dr Dudy

Today is the last opportunity to get together with Dr Dudy at GnG Lab while having tea break. He will soon leaving and back to his home and back to ITB.

A small memento for Dr Dudy
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Friday, March 25, 2016

Hari Keluarga - Teluk Gorek

Buat julung kalinya aktiviti Hari Keluarga (HK) warga GnG telah berjaya diadakan. Majlis berlangsung di Teluk Gorek, Endau Mersing bermula pada petang Khamis (24/3). Setinggi penghargaan diberikan kepada AJK penganjur yang merupakan para pelajar pasca-siswazah GnG atas segala penat lelah menjayakan HK ini. Lebih dua puluh peserta hadir dan istimewanya majlis ini juga merupakan perpisahan Dr Dudy yang akan kembali semula ke ITB.

Dr Dudy sempat menyampaikan perkongsian zaman pengajiannya di ITB, Nagoya dan teristimewa di Graz. Antara yang perlu dicontohi ialah kuatnya beliau menekuni ilmu pada waktu siang hari sepanjang berada di Graz. Beliau memastikan berada di ofis seawal pukul 7 pagi hinggalah ke petang setiap hari.

Foto kenangan selepas penyampaian hadiah kepada Dr Dudy
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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Satellite Gravimetry Mission - What after Goce?

Three dedicated satellite for gravity missions - Champ, Grace & Goce - were already very successful in providing series of GGM over the decades. Champ launched in 2000 and its mission already ended in 2010.  Grace launched in 2002 and it is still in operation up till now. Goce launched in 2009 and ended its mission in 2013.

According to the most recent work by Daras (2016) on the next mission of satellite gravity he mentioned two future projects. The two are Grace Follow-On (Grace-FO) and Next Generation Gravity Missions (NGGMs).

Following are excerpt taken from Daras work;

"The continuity of the time-varying gravity field time series, is enabled by the upcoming
launch (August 2017) of GRACE’s successor, namely the GRACE Follow-On (GRACE-FO) mission (Flechtner et al., 2014a). GRACE-FO is a gap-filling mission that will cover the time span between GRACE and Next Generation Gravity Missions (NGGMs) to be launched in the mid-term future (after 2020).

Daras's phd dowload here - dgk.

Ilias Daras (researchgate)

Formerly researcher at TUM; now senior engineer at Airbus (source)
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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Dudy's Lecture - Collocation Geoid

Today Dr Dudy is presenting an open lecture entitled "Collocation Geoid". This is Dr Dudy's last lecture series to G&G audience before his departure back to ITB after a short stint at UTM.

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Monday, March 21, 2016

Are GGM Improving? ... March 2016

A graduate seminar was given by a PhD candidate at UNB GGE. The title of his presentation is "Are Global Gravity Models Improving?

The announcement
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Agensi Angkasa, Cerapan Astronomi dan Akta Pencemaran Cahaya

Agensi Angkasa Negara menyaran penggunaan cahaya yang tidak melampau. Kepekaan mereka ialah cahaya yang berlebihan boleh mengganggu aktiviti cerapan astronomi dalam negara. Menurut Ketua Pengarah Angkasa Dr Nordin kajian melibatkan cerapan astronomi di Planeterium Negara tergendala dan menemui kegagalan kerana impak cahaya terang sekitar KL. Ini menjadi satu sebab Angkasa mengambil langkah membina observatori kedua mereka di Langkawi.

Atas alasan yang sama Angkasa sedang berusaha untuk memperkenal akta baru - Light Pollution Act - bagi mengawal penggunaan cahaya yang disifat sebagai pencemaran.

Pameran teleskop sempena Seminar Gerhana Matahari
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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Special Lecture - Constrained LSA

Today another special lecture was delivered by Dr Dudy. He gave a talk on "Constrained Adjustment" split into two sessions - introduction in the morning followed by lab work in the afternoon. The lecture was well attended.

This photo was taken during Dr Dudy's lecture on FFT Geoid
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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Marine geoid determination - MSc project proposal

A project proposal on marine geoid determination over Malaysian Seas was discussed today. The proposal was presented by Najihah which actually is her MSc postgraduate project. The work is concentrated on determining the geometric geoid over marine area using satellite altimetry data  combined with a suitable GGM-derived gravity field information.

The presentation topic

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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Timah Tasoh Dam Deformation Monitoring Using GPS

A preliminary discussion was held today with a research team from Uitm Perlis on the possibility of implementing a monitoring project at a small irrigation dam in Perlis. The geodetic observation campaign will be carried out using GPS and then the analysis of geodetic deformation will be studied by employing Fredy04 routine. The latter was never been used with Gps data so if the project going on as planned it will be the first time ever Fredy04 implemented using Gps observation.

Some researchers from Uitm attending G&G lecture series were photographed

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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Dr Dudy's Satellite Altimetry Lecture

A special lecture entitled "Gravity field determination using altimetry" was given by Dr Dudy today. The lecture was in two sessions - theory in the morning and continued with a lab computation in the evening. The lecture were attended by postgraduate students with full attendance from the altimetry group.

Held in G&G room

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Monday, March 14, 2016

Quiz 1 (Sghu4803)

After four weeks of lecture the first assessment - Quiz 1 - was held today. Four students were absent - three involved in data collection for their PSM while one student informed away with family matter.

The girls

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Sunday, March 13, 2016

Lecture Week 5

This week lecture for Sghu4803 covers several topics which were not touched in previous classes. Revisiting on the introduction to GDA; procedures in LSA; the introduction to GDA approaches and PSA using Fredericton approach were among the topics discussed again. Three students absent today.

The boys whom
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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Fusion of DEMs - Papasaika-Hanusch PhD

While searching  on the development of DEMs and particularly its contribution towards gravity field modelling many new reading materials were managed. One PhD thesis was spotted - Fusion of Digital Elevation Models - written by Haris Papasaika-Hanusch. The thesis was submitted to ETH Zurich in 2012.

Haris (b.1978) is originally from Greece and she studied at NTUA for Dipl-Ing. Charis's thesis can be downloaded here - igp eth.

Haris Papasaika-Hanusch (source)

Present position (here
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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Seminar Fenomena Gerhana Matahari

Fenomene gerhana matahari dijadual berlaku pada pagi Rabu 8 Mac 2016. Kebanyakan tempat di Semenanjung akan mengalami gerhana separa total manakala kemuncak gerhana total dijangka berlaku di beberapa wilayah timur Indonesia. Buat julung kalinya satu seminar mini dengan tema Gerhana Matahari diadakan di UTM. Seminar anjuran bersama FGHT dan Pusat Islam UTM menampilkan empat panelis -dua dari FGHT, dan masing-masing seorang dari Fakulti Tamadun Islam dan Pejabat Mufti Johor.

Foto kenangan bersama panelis

Fail kertas kerja seminar

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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

PSM - Sarawak height network & deformation modelling

Two students (KAMA & NKB) whom doing their PSM under me came to discuss their progress and working schedule. KAMA is working on height network in Sarawak while NKB works on deformation modelling. KAMA has shown little progress and was given three sets of results of Sarawak levelling adjustment. He is given the tasks to compare the geoid height at 70 co-location points obtained through MyGeoid and GGM.
NKB reported on results of homogenous strain modelling of a network which was previously computed. Her results she claimed differ not much and if this is true then she is on a right track with her Matlab routine. The previous computation was done using fortran.

Part of Sarawak levelling route
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