Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Airborne Gravity Field Determination (Forsberg & Olesen, 2012)

In the presentation given by Dr Majid he mentioned one important reference i.e,. an explanatory chapter written by Forsberg and Olesen (2012). The chapter is available in a book published by Springer - Science of Geodesy - 1

Chapter 3

The book

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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Talk by Dato' Dr Majid Kadir

A special talk by Dato' Dr Majid Kadir was held this afternoon. He presented a talk on airborne gravimetry survey in Peninsular Malaysia as well as for Sabah and Sarawak. These airborne gravimetry surveys actually was a project under contract for Jupem in which Dr Majid was mainly involved as consultant together with Rene Forsberg of Denmark.

The opening slide
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Monday, November 21, 2016

Norehan's MSc Viva

Today is a historic day for my postgraduate student, Norehan. She is finally having her viva after completing her MSc research which took slightly more than three years. Actually she wasted her first year doing research something on GIS which she could not complete.
The viva was held at MJIIT UTM KL campus. Viva started at 10.30 am and it lasted after more than two hours.

The viva session
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Friday, November 18, 2016

Mock Viva Session

A postgraduate of me is going to have her viva next week. She is too nervous and to help her a mock viva session was arranged. By doing that she can practice delivering her work and showing results to audiences. A group of postgraduate students doing the same discipline of research as her were invited to attend. They not only listen to the presentation but also gave her suggestions to improve. The session lasted about one hour and a half.

Mock viva session
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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Ind Svy - Test 1

After a number of postponements Test 1 of Sghu4863 was held today. It was done during lunch break in order to secure available classroom. Attendance are full 43/43.

Photo 1

Photo 2

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Adam Dziewonski (1936-2016)

The main author of PREM is Prof Adam Dziewonski of Harvard University. He is originally from Poland and graduated with a PhD from Warsaw University and the Academy of Mines and Metallurgy in 1965. Soon after that he moved to US first at the Southwest Center for Advanced Studies in Dallas, Texas, then at the University of Texas at Dallas, and finally at Harvard University.
Dziewonski died on March 1, 2016 at the age of 80, after been diagnosed with cancer. As professor emeritus, he was still actively involved in research at the time of his passing.

Late Prof Dziewonski
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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Earth Lateral Density & PREM

The Earth density and its effect on geoid has long been a topic of wide interest and studied by many researchers. In practice the common density of 2.67 g per cubic cm was used widely in the geoid computation. Works to produce a more realistic model are actively been pursued lately. The first attempt of such model was known as Preliminary Reference Earth Model (PREM). It was jointly put forward by Dziewonski and Anderson way back in 1981.

The seminal publication of PREM  can be downloaded here - researchgate.

PREM - Journal of Physics of the Earth & Planetary Interior, 1981
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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Johor Preliminary KTH Geoid

A research work of pioneering implementation of the KTH method at Fght was on-going for almost three years. The work has culminated into a preliminary gravimetric geoid model for Johor region. At present only terrestrial gravity data were made used. The airborne gravity data was not yet utilized due to the problem and uncertainty in downward continuation.

Slides discussing the project
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Monday, November 14, 2016

Mesyuarat Penyediaan Proposal FRGS

Pagi ini diadakan perjumpaan warga G&G untuk penyediaan gran FRGS. Beberapa cadangan research telah diutarakan. Antara cadangannya ialah untuk tajuk LSA yang telah pun selesai sekian lama. Tajuknya belum pernah dikemuka dan kalau berjaya boleh membantu kewangan pelajar yang sedia ada.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Sesi Pembentangan 1

Jadual pembentangan yang diedar menyenaraikan seramai sebelas pelajar terlibat pada sesi pertama. Tetapi hanya sembilan yang hadir untuk pembentangan yang bermula pada 9 pagi (bukannya 8.30 pagi). Nurul Faratihah dan Nur Surayatulatikah tidak hadir. Suraya kini berada di ITB Bandung manakala Nurul tiada info yang diberikan mengenai dia.

Jadual pembentangan
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Progress Presentation

Pada pagi ini diadakan siri pembentangan kemajuan pelajar postgraduate Geomatik. Ia berlangsung dalam dua sesi dengan 8-9 pelajar setiap sesi. Menurut jadual asal sesi bermula pukul 8.30 pagi. Sampai di bilik pembentangan sekitar jam 8.20 dan bilik sudah dibuka namun cuma ada seorang pelajar yang menunggu. Beliau pula memaklumkan bahawa pembentangan pertama ialah pada 9 pagi bukannya 8.30 seperti mana dalam jadual.

Sign tertampal di pintu masuk
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