Sunday, August 30, 2015

Height and Gravity (EUREF Leipzig 2015)

Euref (IAG Reference Frame Sub-Commission for Europe ) is very active in organizing symposium and meeting annually. In 2015 EUREF Symposium held in Leipzig with a special tutorial session on "Height and Gravity". The tutorial was filled with the following presentations;

1. On the geodetic infrastructure for height determination in Scandinavia with special emphasis on Sweden (Jonas Agren)
2.  National height in Great Britain (Colin Fane)
3. The geodetic infrastructure for height determination in Germany (Martina Sacher et. al)
4. Global gravity field models and the IAG service ICGEM (Franz Barthelmes)
5. About the generation of global gravity field models from satellite and surface data (Christoph Foerste)
6. Goce gravity field models - overview, performance and impact on height systems (Thomas Gruber)
7. The European height reference system and its realization (Martina Sacher)
8. The absolute gravity reference system and its contribution to geoid determination (H Wziontek)
9. Unification of height reference frames in Europe (Gunter Liebsch)
10. Towards a world height system - the proposal for an international height reference system and frame (Johannes Ihde)
11. Hydrographic surveying and height reference (W Ellmer)

Goce gravity field models (Th Gruber 2015)
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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Argentina Geoid 2015

A recent geoid for Argentina was computed from a graduate research work project done in Australia. The geoid was computed by Pinon as his research work leading to a MSc degree at RMIT University, Melbourne. The computation was done using Gravsoft geoid package. The research was supervised by Prof K Zhang as his main supervisor. Pinon is from Instituto Geografico Nacional, Buenos Aires.

A poster presentation of the new Argentinian Gravimetric Geoid Model GEOAR can be downloaded here.


RMIT MSc Thesis – Argentina Geoid

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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Tahiti Geoid - Cheinway Hwang (2015)

Profesor Cheinway Hwang mengetuai Space Geodesy Laboratory (SGL) di National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) Taiwan. SGL adalah di bawah Department of Civil Engineering NCTU. Cheinway merupakan pakar dalam geodesi fizikal dan banyak terlibat dalam penyelidikan mengenai geoid dan oseanografi. Beliau memperolehi PhD dari OSU pada tahun 1991. Antara sumbangan besar beliau kepada Taiwan ialah merancang dan melaksana projek airborne gravity dan seterusnya menghasilkan geoid bagi Taiwan sekitar tahun 2006 hingga 2009.

Kepakaran SGL dalam melaksana pengukuran airborne gravity dan hitungan geoid telah membolehkan mereka menjalankan projek yang sama ke negara lain. Terkini Cheinway dan kumpulan geodesis Taiwan telah menghasilkan geoid untuk Kepulauan Tahiti. Projek ini juga melibatkan airborne gravity yang dilaksana sendiri menggunakan kepakaran Taiwan. Penerbitan mengenai Geoid Tahiti oleh Hwang (2015) ini boleh didapatkan di jurnal Earth Planet & Space - springer.

Dept of Civil Engineering NCTU
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Saturday, August 15, 2015

Vanicek at IUGG 2015

Profesor Vanicek sudah bersara sejak tahun 1999 maknanya dah 16 tahun meninggalkan tugas akademik UNB. Beliau seterusnya di lantik sebagai Professor Emeritus pada 2002. Prof Vanicek merupakan tokoh geodesi fizikal yang telah menghasilkan pakej hitungan geoid - SH Geoid yang berasaskan kepada metodologi Stokes-Helmert.

Sunggoh pun sudah lama bersara namun beliau masih meneruskan kerja research khususnya mengenai geoid. Baru-baru ini beliau turut menyertai persidangan IUGG ke-26 di Prague, Republik Czech (iaitu negara kelahiran asal beliau). Tajuk pembentangan beliau adalah "Least Squares Downward Continuation, Fusion and Gridding of Airborne and Terrestrial Gravity Observations". Baca abstrak pembentangan di sini - iugg.

Prof Vanicek menyampaikan pembentangan di IUGG 2015
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Monday, August 10, 2015

IAG 140 - QuGOMS (Munich 2011)

IAG 140 is the proceedings of IAG 2011 International Workshop held in Munich Germany i.e., the 1st International Workshop on the Quality of Geodetic Observation and Monitoring Systems (QuGOMS'11). The workshop has been organized jointly by the study groups IC-SG2 and IC-SG3 of the Inter commission Committee on Theory (ICCT) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG). The workshop was hosted by Technische Universität München, Garching/Munich from 13th to 15th April 2011.

The proceedings was edited by Chris Rizos and Pascal Willis. Papers were compiled according to the following topics;

• Uncertainty modelling of geodetic data • Theoretical studies on combination strategies and parameter estimation • Recursive state-space filtering • Sensor networks and multi-sensor systems in engineering geodesy • Multi-mission approaches with view to physical processes in the Earth system.

IAG 140 (Published in 2015)
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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Vermessung & Geoinformation – Austrian Journal

A good website giving information about Surveying and geodesy education in Austria. Among the information given are journal papers published in OVG journal – V & G. Also given there are the undergraduate thesis being and written worked at Austrian universities.

The website – ovg.

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