Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Books by Kai Borre

Professor Kai Borre of Aalborg University Denmark has published quite a number of geodetic books already. He is a re-known geodesist and has contributed a lot particularly on GPS, mathematics and adjustment for geodetic application. Shown below are two books by Kai Borre;

  • Algorithms for GPS (Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 2012; 473 pages)
  • Plane Networks and Their Applications (Birkhäuser, 2001 edition; 170 pages)


Algorithms for GPS

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Plane Networks and Their Applications

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Alumni WUL 1814

Subjek Ukur Kejuruteraan WUL1814 merupakan subjek pertama diajar dalam karier di UTM. Subjek ini diikuti oleh kumpulan pelajar Diploma Kej Awam. Kelasnya besar dan berjalan dalam dua sesi berasingan setiap semester. Berikut ialah antara alumni kelas tersebut yang ditemui ihsan google;

Lilitia Jenneh – kini bertugas sebagai Jurutera dan menjawat Ketua Bahagian di Bahagian Tanah, DB Kota Kinabalu. 088-232816; 521800 samb 820; lilitia@dbkk.sabah.gov.my

Abdul Karim Supok – Jurutera Awam, UDA Bbu.

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