Friday, October 28, 2016

Majlis Konvokesyen UTM

Majlis diadakan pada 23, 24 dan 25 Oktober 2016.


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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Geoid School Post-Mortem Meeting

A meeting on Geoid School was held today starts at 2.15 pm. The meeting was called for post-mortem discussion on geoid school. The main agenda is to table the financial standing which includes income from participants fee and income from sponsorship. The expenses incurred during the whole program were also revealed.

Photos of some of the meeting attendees
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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Majlis Anugerah Semarak Gemilang Fght

FGHT mengadakan majlis Anugerah Semarak Gemilang petang ini di Dewan Bankuet. Majlis ini adalah untuk pengiktirafan kepada para staf terpilih yang cemerlang pencapaiannya pada tahun 2015. Berbagai anugerah telah disampaikan melibatkan semua staf akademik dan juga staf sokongan. VVIP yang dijemput ialah Prof Ir Azraai Kassim dari UTM Space.

Meja no 10 ketika bacaan doa majlis
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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Geodetic Metrology Dissertation 2012

A thesis on geodetic metrology entitled "Non Contact Surface Metrology in a Hazardous Environment" led to PhD degree was written by Andrew Brownhill of UCL London. The thesis was submitted to Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering UCL in May 2012. The research was spervised by Dr Stuart Robson.

A presentation by Dr Brownhill "Evaluating non-contact metrology equipment for remote measurement of metallic srface" can be downloaded - here.

Another presentation by Robson et al "Artefacts for optical surface measurement" is available here.

The thesis title page
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Books by Kai Borre

Professor Kai Borre of Aalborg University Denmark has published quite a number of geodetic books already. He is a re-known geodesist and has contributed a lot particularly on GPS, mathematics and adjustment for geodetic application. Shown below are two books by Kai Borre;
  • Algorithms for GPS (Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 2012; 473 pages)
  • Plane Networks and Their Applications (Birkhäuser, 2001 edition; 170 pages)

Algorithms for GPS
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Plane Networks and Their Applications
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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Perasmian FYE Geomatik (Geonited)

Saya diundang hadir ke Majlis perasmian Geonited mewakili KJ yang mempunyai komitmen lain pada ketika yang sama. Perasmian dijadual pukul 9.30 pagi namun berlaku sedikit kelewatan kerana pelajar baru saja tiba dan mereka perlu sedikit masa untuk menyusun atur ruang dewan. Majlis bermula selepas semuanya selesai dan berjalan lancar. Turut hadir ialah Dr Khairlnizam selaku Penasihat Pemeta dan Dr Imzan selaku Penasihat GIS Society. Majlis perasmian berakhir dengan sedikit jamuan kecil.

Ucapan perasmian

Group photo

Sesi jamuan
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Program FYE Geomatik

Satu program First Year Experience (FYE) bagi pelajar Geomatik diadakan selama dua hari bermula hari ini. Program tersebut dianjur oleh Pemeta dan diadakan di Savannah Hill Resorts Ulu Tiram. Pelajar tahun satu Geomatik adalah seramai lima puluh orang. Dua daripada mereka adalah pelajar antarabangsa dari Oman dan Indonesia. Kesemua pelajar datang dengan tiga buah bas UTM dan dikenakan bayaran pengangkutan sebanyak Rm2100. Bayaran tersebut diselesaikan melalui sumbangan Syarikat Jurukur Dr Majid.

Banner program - Geonited

Peserta Geonited tahun pertama Geomatik
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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Alumni met at GeoFest

Met two alumnis during Geofest 2016 - one was none other than the Chief Surveyor of Johor (Tn Hj Ramli Nor) and the other was a former student who are now working at UTM KL . There were both came for the GeoFest official opening

Photo with Tn Hj Ramli Nor (Class of 1983)

Photo with Rusdi (Class of 2013)
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Monday, October 10, 2016

Geofest 2016

A special event "Geoinformatics & Geomatics Festival 2016 (GeoFest)" was held at Dewan Sultan Iskandar UTM on Oct 10-11. The event was jointly organized by two student bodies Pemeta and  GIS Student Society. The opening ceremony was officiated by IRDA Chief Executive Officer. Chief Survyeor from Johor Jupem was also attended.

The stage is set for opening ceremony
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Thursday, October 6, 2016

Sjoberg leaving for home

Prof Sjoberg was back to UTM yesterday after spending vacation at Tioman. He spend for another night at Scholar's Inn. Today he is ready to leave for home. We arranged for a short meeting at Scholar's Inn to settle all the payments due. That includes the honorarium for handling the Geoid School and air fares incurred from Stockholm to Changi and back again to Stockholm. Sjoberg leaving UTM at 1 o'clock for Changi by UTM's car and from Changi he will fly to Stockholm at midnight.

Sending-off from Scholar's Inn
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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

GGT 2016 Closing Ceremony

Soon after the afternoon presentation slot the closing ceremony of GGT 2016 was takes place. It was officiated by the Organizing Committee Chairman Prof Alias Abdul Rahman of FGHT UTM. The certificate of appreciation was presented to all committee members during the ceremony. Finally, a group photo of all delegates from UTM was taken to commemorate the event.

Group photo
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Presenting Paper at GGT 2016

I have submitted a paper entitled "The unified levelling network of Sarawak and its adjustment". The paper was accepted and the presentation slot was scheduled on Wednesday Oct 5th. The session starts at 2.30pm and there were four presentations and mine was the second last.

Paper presentation at GGT 2016
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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Geomatic & Geospatial Technology (GGT 2016)

International Conference on Geomatic & Geospatial Technology 2016 (GGT 2016) is held at Hotel Istana for two days. It begins today with tutorial session in the morning and paper presentations in the afternoon. GGT 2016 was organized FGHT UTM and co-organized by RISM, ISPRS and FIG.

The Proceedings of GGT 2016
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Monday, October 3, 2016

International Symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides 2016

Another big event in geodesy - The 18th International Symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides - was held recently in Trieste Italy. The main organizers are Dept of Mathematics and Geosciences, University of Trieste and OGS (Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale), CRS - Centro Ricerche Sismologiche, Trieste. The symposium is also part of the activities of International Center of Earth Tides (ICET) and IAG.

More information can be obtained from the symposium website: G-ET.

The G-ET website
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Sunday, October 2, 2016

Introduction to Vertical Datum - Kearsley 2016

The discussions on heights and vertical datum are still of interest to many researcher and become important topic in many geodetic symposium. In FIG Working Week at Christchurch recently (May 2016) there was a presentation lecture on this same topic given by Prof Kearsley of UNSW. He delivered a very comprehensive lecture entitled "Introduction to vertical reference frames and vertical datum". The lecture was covered by 120 pages of slides and touched on many issues and on-going projects done globally.

The slides can be downloaded here - source.

FIG Working Week Christchurch 2016
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International Symposium on Engineering Geodesy - Croatia 2016

A special event on Engineering Geodesy "International Symposium on Engineering Geodesy" was held in Zagreb Croatia on May 2016. The symposium was an event under Commission 6 FIG organized mainly by Faculty of Geodesy University of Zagreb.

More information available here - SIG2016.

SIG 2016 Website
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Saturday, October 1, 2016

Majlis Persaraan Prof Khairul

Majlis ringkas sempena persaraan Prof Khairul di adakan petang ini. Beliau hadir kerana hari ini merupakan hari terakhir bertugas secara rasmi di FGHT. Prof Khairul mla berkhidmat di UTM pada 1980. Selepas tamat BSurv pada tahun tersebut beliau berkhidmat sekejap di Jupem KL.

Sempena majlis persaraan ini Prof Khairul menyampaikan sarahan ringkas mengenai perjalanan karier beliau sepanjang khidmatnya di FU, FKSG, UTM Space dan FGHT.

Foto bersama ahli Jabatan

Bersama G&G

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