Saturday, February 28, 2009

IAG 120 - Towards an Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System (1998)

IAG 120 "Towards an Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System - IGGOS" is the proceedings of the international symposium Towards an Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System. The symposium was held as an initiative of section II Advanced Space Technology of the International Association of Geodesy (lAG). It took place in the building of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in Munich from October 5 - 9, 1998. About 130 scientists from 24 countries participated in the symposium.

The symposium was divided into four themes;
  1. reference system and datum integration,
  2. strength and weakness of space techniques,
  3. upcoming gravity field satellite missions, and
  4. implications for Earth sciences.
The symposium proceedings was edited by Rummel (TU Munich), Drewes (DGFI), Bosch (DGFI) and Hornik (DGFI).

IAG 120 (published in 2000)
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Thursday, February 26, 2009

IAG 119 - Geodesy on the Move

IAG 119 – Geodesy on the Move was published in 1997 (together with IAG 118) by Springer. This book was published as proceedings of the IAG Scientific Assembly held in Rio de Janeiro in September 1997. The proceedings was convened and edited by Rene Forsberg of Denmark, M Feissel and Reinhard Dietrich of Germany.

IAG 119 Geodesy on the Move

Reinhard Dietrich (photo 2014 - source)

A little bit about Rienhard Dietrich here - dresden and egu.
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

IAG 118 - Advances in Positioning & Reference Frames

IAG Symposia 118 "Advances in Positioning & Reference Frames" published by Springer in 1998. This book was published as proceedings of the IAG Scientific Assembly held in Rio de Janeiro in September 1997. The proceedings was convened and edited by Fritz K Brunner of Technical University of Graz. The lAG Local Organizing Committee (LOC) of the symposium was led by Prof D Blitzkov.

IAG 118 (Published in 1997)

This symposium comprised six sessions:

Maintenance and Densification of Reference Frames (Claude Boucher),
GPS Reference Networks (Fritz K Brunner),
the SIRGAS Project (Luiz P S Fortes),
Current Developments in Precise GPS Positioning (Yehuda Bock),
GPS Kinematic Applications (Chris Rizos),
and a very successful Poster Session.
During the symposium, 25 invited papers were presented and 70 posters were displayed.

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

IAG 117 - Gravity, Geoid and Marine Geodesy (1997)

IAG 117 – Gravity, Geoid and Marine Geodesy was published in 1997 with new design of cover layout by Springer. It is also the first issue under new series editor Klaus-Peter Schwarz of Calgary University. IAG 117 is the proceedings of the International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Marine Geodesy (GraGeoMar96) which was held on the main campus of the University of Tokyo from September 30 to October 5, 1996. The local organizing committee was led by Prof Jiro Segawa of Tokai University (Chairman of the National Committee for Geodesy) and assisted by Prof Hiromi Fujimoto and Prof Shuhei Okubo (both from Tokyo University). About 200 participants from 27 countries attended the Symposium.

IAG 117 (Published in 1997)
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Friday, February 20, 2009

IAG Symposia Proceedings 1996-1999

The IAG Symposia Proceedings are published in a special series by Springer Verlag, having the association president as the editor. This procedure has been used for the publication of several Symposia (Proceedings no. 101 to 114). The following have been published since Boulder 1995 Meeting:

115 GPS Trends in Precise Terrestrial, Airborne, and Spaceborne Applications, 1996
116 Global Gravity Field and Its Temporal Variations, 1996
117 Gravity, Geoid and Marine Geodesy, 1997.
118 Advances in Positioning and Reference Frames, 1998,
119 Geodesy on the Move, 1998.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

IAG Sponsored Meeting 1995-1999

The following meetings were accepted for IAG sponsorship by the IAG Executive Committee:

ISPRS Workshop on Integration sensor orientation: theory, algorithms, and systems, Barcelona, Spain, September 4-8, 1995
3rd Conference on Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques Vienna, Austria, October 2-4, 1995
FISOLS 95 - 5th International Symposium on land Subsidence The Hague, The Netherlands, October 16-22, 1995
International Summer School of Theoretical Geodesy Como, Italy, May 26-June 7, 1996
Second International Conference GALOS Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, July 1-4, 1996
XII International Course in Engineering Geodesy Graz, Austria, Sept. 7-16, 1996
5th International Winter Seminar on Geodynamics Gravity in Space and Time, Sopron, Hungary, 1996
Regional Symposium on Deformations and Crustal movements investigations using Geodetic techniques
Szekesfehervar, Hungary, Autumn 1996
Joint Symposium of IGC and IGeC Tokyo, Japan, Nov., 1996
Tropical School of Geodesy - ITB Bandung, Indonesia, Oct-Nov. 1996
International Symposium on Kinematic Systems in Geodesy, Geomatics and Navigation KIS 97 Banff, Canada, June 3-6, 1997
IAG Participation in the Joint Assemblies of IAMAS and IAPSO Melbourne, Australia, June, 1997
13th International Symposium on Earth Tides Brussels, Belgium, Aug. 1997 (ICET)
4th International Seminar on GPS in Central Europe Penc, Hungary, 1997 (postponed)
6th International Winter Seminar on Geodynamics on Long periodic variations in Earth rotation Sopron, Hungary, 1998
9th International Symposium on Recent Crustal Movements Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 1998
5th International Seminar on GPS in Central Europe Penc, Hungary, 1999 (postponed)

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

MLE fortran routine (1997-2000)

One of the tasks involved in the research work vot 71064 was to write a fortran computational routine named MLE employing the method of Maximum Likelihood Estimates. This routine was written to handle the computation of VCE to determine the standard deviation of surveying observational data used in the project. The MLE routine was successfully used to compute the accuracy of consists of horizontal angles and distance measured by theodolite and EDM respectively.

The data used were taken from a previous project in Peru surveyed by research group from UNB. These data were chosen because they (the UNB group) have done a similar job of evaluating the observational errors of such data. Therefore, I can compare the result of my computation with their result for the same network.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Evaluation of Observational Error Modelling Using the Method of Minimum Likelihood Estimates (1997 - 2000)

A research project - The Evaluation of Observational Error Modelling Using the Method of Minimum Likelihood Estimates. (UTM/RMC Grant 71064 – Principal Investigator)

This work was the second research project with funding received from RMC. To give more clues of what this research is all about the title of this research can be re-phrased as the assessment of accuracy of surveying measurement data or the variance components estimation of surveying observation data.  So the focus of this work is to evaluate the accuracy of surveying observation data or to estimate the standard deviation to each data. Such evaluation is needed for the purpose of least squares adjustment. The standard deviation of surveying data is to be used to compute the weight matrix in LSA procedure.

The evaluation of observational error has become a topic of interest among geodetic community in the field of spatial adjustment methodology. There were many methods have been developed to model and to evaluate the observational error. In this research work the method of Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE) was employed. Other methods available for the purpose of variance component estimation are Almost Unbiased Estimates (AUE) and Minimum Norm Quadratic Estimates (MINQE) and many more.

Research report (Vote 71064)

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Pengubahsuaian pakej Fredton kepada Fred (1997)

Satu daripada fokus projek penyelidikan vot 61833 ialah untuk mengimplemen semula perisian analisa kestabilan pillar yang telah dihasilkan oleh Ng Ah Lee (1993). Namun melihat kepada kekurangan dan limitasi yang ada pada perisian tersebut maka beberapa pembaikan dan pengubahsuaian perlu dikerjakan. Berikut adalah pembaikan penting yang telah dilakukan.

i). Pertama sekali perisian terdahulu beroperasi melalui sistem DOS maka penambahbaikan perlu dibuat supaya perisian tersebut dapat beroperasi dalam environmen window.
ii). Perisian yang lalu disediakan dalam tiga modul yang berasingan iaitu - modul Laras untuk hitungan LSA, modul Fredton untuk pemakaian pendekatan Fredericton. Pembaikan kedua yang telah dilakukan ialah menggabungkan Larasan dan Fredton ke dalam satu modul tunggal dan diberi nama baru Fred.
iii). Di samping itu ada satu lagi modul ketiga iaitu untuk pemakaian pendekatan Hannover.
Skop kerja dalam projek penyelidikan vot 61833 hanya menyentuh dua modul yang awal sahaja iaitu Larasan dan Fredton. Selain pembaikan dari segi membolehkan pengoperasian dalam environmen window pembaikan kedua yang telah dilakukan ialah menggabungkan Larasan dan Fredton ke dalam satu modul tunggal dan diberi nama baru Fred.

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Lawatan Teknikal Penyelidikan Vot 61833

Beberapa lawatan teknikal telah dilakukan sepanjang pengendalian projek penyelidikan vot 61883. Lawatan tersebut tertumpu di dua lokasi utama - Empangan Hydro TNB Kenyir dan Empangan Hydro TNB Pergau, Kelantan. Lawatan teknikal ke dua tempat ini bertujuan untuk meninjau jaringan ukur deformasi yang ditubuhkan dan diguna pakai oleh pasukan ukur TNB. Jaringan ukur di Empangan Hydro Kenyir memang telah sedia siap dan pasukan kerja ukur TNB telah pun mula melakukan ukur pengawasan empangan milik mereka secara berkala.

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Penyelidikan Analisa Deformasi Vot 61833 (1995-1997)

Saya telah mengetuai satu projek penyelidikan analisa deformasi bertajuk "The Implementation of Fredericton Approach for the Analysis of Survey Pillar Stability in a Deformation Network". Projek ini telah dijalankan pada Julai 1995 hingga Ogos 1997 dengan mendapat biaya dari Research Management Center - RMC UTM.

Projek ini merupakan geran penyelidikan yang pertama berjaya saya perolehi melalui biayaan RMC. Pada ketika itu (pertengahan 90-an) belum ada penekanan universiti kepada staf untuk membuat kerja penyelidikan. Pada ketika yang sama tidak ramai staf yang mahu melibat diri dengan penyelidikan. Maka sesiapa saja yang memajukan proposal penyelidikan akan berjaya mendapat biayaan.
Projek ini memfokus kepada pemakaian kaedah analisa deformasi yang diperkenalkan oleh penyelidik UNB kampus Fredericton Canada yang diketuai oleh Prof Adam Chrzanowski. Maka sebab itu kaedahnya dinamakan Fredericton Approach.

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Visit by Prof Petr Vanicek of UNB (1996)

Prof Vanicek came to visit UTM on June 1996. This was the third visit by academician from UNB which I have managed in arranging it. Prior to his visit to UTM Dr Vanicek was travelled to Bali attending a conference on Geodetic Aspect on Law of the Sea (GALOS) and I pursued him to come to UTM right after the conference. Dr Vanicek came for half a day visit and has presented a talk on “Robustness Analysis”.

Petr Vanicek (in red shirt) with his geoid team in UNB

Robustness Analysis hand-written notes by Prof Vanicek
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