Wednesday, September 29, 2010

IAG 112 - Geodesy & Physics of the Earth

IAG 112 Symposia on Geodesy and Physics of the Earth is the proceeding of the 7th International Symposium "Geodesy and Physics of the Earth". The symposium was held in Potsdam in October 1992 hosted by newly established GFZ. The proceedings was convened and edited by Horst Montag and Christoph Reigber both of GFZ.

IAG 112

Ch Reigber (PhD 1969 TUM)
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

IAG 111 - Recent Geodetic and Gravimetric Research in Latin America

IAG 111 is themed "Recent Geodetic and Gravimetric Research in Latin America". This book is a proceedings of the lAG Symposium "Second Joint Symposium of the International Association of Geodesy and the Pan-American Institute of Geography and History". The symposium was held during IUGG General Assembly in Vienna in August 1991.  The proceedings was convened and edited by Wolfgang Torge. Altogether 20 scientific contributions were given at the Symposium under the following sessions;
  1. Geodetic and Gravimetric Control in Latin America
  2. Regional Gravity and Geoid Determination
  3. Geodynamic Research Projects

IAG 111 (Springer 1993)

Wolfgang Torge (b.1931;  PhD 1966 Hannover)
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Sunday, September 26, 2010

IAG 110 - From Mars to Greenland

IAG Symposia 110 themed sounds very catchy "From Mars to Greenland: Charting gravity with space and airborne instruments". This book was published as proceedings of the Symposium on the Determination of the Gravity Field by Space and Airborne Methods held in Vienna in August 1991. The proceedings was edited by Oscar Colombo of Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland, USA.

IAG 110 (Springer 1992)
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Friday, September 24, 2010

TA Clarke PhD 1991

Another PhD work on surveying technology was submitted and this one is to City Univ in 1991 (besides work by TJM Kennie also in 1991). TA Clarke work on "Application of optical techniques to surveying" submitted to Dept of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering, City University.

The thesis addressed the problem of acquiring spatial data concerning points on the surface of structures such as underground tunnels and sewers. These data can usually provide knowledge of deformation, shape, area, volume, and position of structures.

The work was done at time where TLS is still not available yet.

Source for download the thesis - link.

City Uni, London
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

TJM Kennie Phd 1991

Nama TJM Kennie sering diingati dan disebut bila memberi kuliah tentang surveying technology. Beliau menulis beberapa buku dengan tajuk berkaitan surveying technology. Antaranya ialah bersama G Petrie. TJM Kennie memperolehi PhD pada 1991 di Imperial College London. Tesis belia berjudul "Developments in surveying technology and their application to engineering geology". Tesis dikemukakan kepada Dept of Geology, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of London. Tesis setebal 583 m/surat boleh diakses melalui pencarian google.

Geology Walks, London Uni

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Monday, September 20, 2010

IAG Symposia Proceedings (1991 - 1994)

IAG has made effort with accordance of the new editing policy that the Proceedings of IAG Symposia are now published by Springer Verlag. This new procedure was already used for the publication of several Symposia (101 to 108). The following proceedings has been published since Vienna meeting;

109 Permanent Satellite Tracking Networks for Geodesy and Geodynamics, Vienna, 1991
110 From Mars to Greenland: charting gravity with Space and Airborne Instruments, Vienna, 1991
111 Recent Geodetic and Gravimetric Research in Latin America, Vienna, 1991
112 Geodesy and Physics of the Earth, Potsdam, 1992
113 Gravity and Geoid, Graz, 1994
114 Geodetic Theory Today, L’Acquila, Italy 1994

Geodasie, Uni of Vienna [fb - link]
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Saturday, September 18, 2010

IAG 109 - Permanent Satellite Tracking Networks (1993)

IAG 109 is the Symposium on Permanent Satellite Tracking Networks for Geodesy and Geodynamics. These proceedings include many of the papers presented at the Symposium on Permanent Satellite Tracking Network for Geodesy and Geophysics held in Vienna Austria, August 1991, as part of the IUGG General Assembly and IAG Meeting. The symposium was convened to promote the establishment of an International GPS Service under the auspices of the lAG. Gerald Mader of Geosciences Laboratory Maryland, USA convened and edited the proceedings of the symposium. The symposia also led to the establishment of IGS.

IAG 109 (published in 1993)

The proceeding starts with a long report by Ivan I Muller "Planning an International Service Using the GPS for Geodynamic application"
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Thursday, September 16, 2010

IAG 108 - Applications of Geodesy to Engineering

IAG 108 is a proceedings of the symposia of Applications of Geodesy to Engineering. The proceedings was convened and edited by Klaus Linkwitz, Viktor Eisele and Hans-Joachim Monicke. Linkwitz and Monicke are both from Stuttgart University while Eisele is with Landesvermessungsamt Baden-Wiirttemberg, Stuttgart.  The lAG Symposium No. 108 was held at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, from 13th
to 17th May 1991.

Georgi Milev as Chairman of Commission 6 FIG presented a paper "State of the Art and Development of Engineering Geodesy and Activities of the FIG Commission 6" during the symposium.

IAG 108
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

IAG 107 - Kinematic System in Geodesy

The IAG Symposium 107 "Kinematic System in Geodesy, Surveying & Remote Sensing" was successfully held in Banff Alberta in September 1990. The proceedings of this symposium was convened and edited by Klaus-Peter Schwarz and Gerard Lachapelle of Calgary University. The symposium was held to gather report among others on the development progress of kinematic approach of GPS surveying (a topic of interest to many at that time period).

IAG 107
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Saturday, September 11, 2010

IAG 106 - Determination of the Geoid (1991)

IAG Symposium 106 "Determination of the Geoid: Present and Future" was held in Milan, Italy in June 1990. The proceedings of the symposia was convened and edited by Richard Rapp of OSU and Fernando Sanso of Politecnico Milano. The paper presentations were organized into five main themes as follows;
  1. Global Geopotential Models - present and future (chaired by Richard Rapp)
  2. The role of topography in geoid computations (chaired by Rene Forsberg)
  3. The geoid and GPS (Wolfgang Torge & Hans George Wenzel)
  4. Theoretical improvements in the determination of the geoid (chaired by Sanso)
  5. Software and data improvement for geoid computations (chaired by Tscherning)

IAG 106
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

FIG XIX Congress Helsinki (1990)

The FIG 19th Congress was held in Helsinki Finland in 1990. There is no printed volume of proceedings available at UTM Library. One of prominent papers on deformation analysis by Adam Chrznowski was presented there. The paper entitled "Deformation monitoring, analysis and prediction - status report". The abstract can be downloaded at the following link.


TKK Library, Helsinki University of Technology
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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Figure of the Earth (Moritz 1990)

Helmut Moritz is very associated with topics on Physical Geodesy. He has authored and co-authored many books on physical geodesy and topic related to it. One of such books is ” The Figure of the Earth – Geodesy and the Earth’s Interior” published in 1990 by Wichmann Verlag, Karlsruhe. This book is very rare to find.

Helmut Moritz, 1990

(Source – amazon)

(Source – U of Toronto library)

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Geoid for British Isles - (Stewart PhD 1990)

Michael Paul Stewart graduated with a PhD from U of Edinburgh. His thesis entitled "Computation of a gravimetric geoid for the British Isles: An assessment of Fourier and classical techniques". The research was supervised by Dr Roger Hipkins.

Michael Peter Stewart (1990)

Chp1 Introduction; Chp 2 Theoretical background - introduction to Fourier transforms; the Earth gravity field; Chp 3 Data: sources and compilation; Chp 4 Spherical harmonics; Chp 5 Practical aspects of computation using Fourier transform; Chp 6 Geoid computation using Fourier transforms; Chp 7 Geoid computation using Stokes' formula; Chp 8 Accuracy og gravimetric geoids solution.

Dell D July 18 TC
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Friday, September 3, 2010

Variations in Earth Rotation (1990)

Those who are interested in Earth rotation (as a research topic in geodesy) should access a monograph published by AGU & IUGG "Variations in Earth Rotation". In more specific it is published as Geophysical Monograph 59, IUGG Vol 9, published in 1990. The publication was edited by Dennis D McCarthy and William E Carter, and it was actually a compilation of papers presented at IUGG/IAG meeting held in Vancouver, August 1987.

Source - here.

IUGG Vol 9

Among the contents are;

International Cooperation in the Study of the Rotation of the Earth G. A. Wilkins (pg. 1)
Variational Calculation of Wobble Modes of the Earth D. E. Staylie (pg. 5)

Source: Dell D July18 TC
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