Friday, March 16, 2012

Palomar Observatory


Palomar Observatory banyak sejarahnya dan tempat beberapa tokoh astronomi menyumbang khidmat.

Palomar Observatory

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Friday, March 9, 2012

Museum Rumah Newton


Newton hidup sekitar kurun ke-17. Rumah kelahiran Newton masih berdiri gagah dan kini diabadi sebagai museum dikunjungi pelawat.

Rumah kelahiran Newotn

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Pencarian Info Leiden Uni


Leiden Uni ... (link)

Leiden University was the first university to be established in the Netherlands. William of Orange gave Leiden Academia Lugduno Batava in 1575, it is said in recognition of the city’s courageous resistance against the seige by the Spanish invaders.

Leiden Uni established in 1575

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