Monday, January 29, 2018

Early Postgraduates of UNB SE's

The first MSc degree of UNB Surveying Dept was awarded in 1963 while the first PhD degree in 1970. Eugene Emery Derenyi completed his MSc in 1963 with thesis entitled "Deflections of the vertical in Central New Brunswick".

Later in year 1970 Derenyi obtained his PhD from UNB with the thesis "An exploratory investigation concerning the relative orientation of continuous strip imagery". Derenyi was the second PhD graduand with the first awarded to Ahmed F A E-K [Fouad Abd El-Kader] whom wrote a thesis entitled "New laser instruments and new methods for mine orientation surveys". There were three PhD recipients from UNB in 1970. The third graduands was Fubara DJM (b.1938) [Dagogo Micheal Jim] (of Nigeria) whom wrote a thesis on "Three-dimensional geodesy applied to terrestrial geodetic network".

Derenyi was supervised by Koneckny, while Chrzanowski did the  supervision for Ahmed and Fubara did his work under Vanicek's guidance.

DJM Fubara (source - karialakonsult)
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Sunday, January 28, 2018

UNB Pioneer Graduands (BScE and MScE)

It seems that surveying department at UNB has pioneer graduates in about the same period with those in UNSW. The first batch BScE from UNB graduated in 1962. There were four candidates graduated with BScE (three from Canada and one from USA). In 1963 another six graduates with BScE and one with MScE (the first postgraduate degree from UNB).

The first MScE graduand was Eugene Derenyi with thesis entitled "Deflections of the Vertical in Central New Brunswick." In 1965 another two MScE candidate were graduated - Emenike from Nigeria and Wolfgang Faig from New Brunswick. Emenike's thesis entitled "Analysis of Stereotemplet Triangulation Error" while Faig wrote on "Photogrammetry Applied to Arctic Glacier Surveys".

The late Eugene Derenyi
(b.1932 Sopron, d.2014 Toronto)
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Saturday, January 27, 2018

PhD Surv UNSW (1963-1982)

The first PhD in Surveying from UNSW was awarded to Peter (Petrus) Richardus in 1963. Peter was at that time an academic staff handling BSurv program at UNSW. Following were the pioneers of PhD graduands in surveying program of UNSW from 1963 to 1982.

Peter Richardus - seated no 1 from left

Petrus Richardus "The application of diffractive light in surveying."
[In 1960 he obtained his ME degree also from UNSW "Investigations into the accuracy of geodetic methods applied to measurements of horizontal deflections and displacements of concrete dam"]

Allman, John Stuart "Investigations into the accuracy of geodetic methods applied to measurements of horizontal deflections and displacements of concrete dam"
Mather, RS "The free air geoid in South Australia and its relation to the equipotential surfaces of the Earth's gravitational field" Ronald Sunthereraj Mather

Bennett, GG (BSurv Melb 1954, MSc Melb 1965) "Theoretical and practical study of gyroscopic attachment for a theodolite"
Fryer, JG "The effect of the geoid on the Australian geodetic network"
Trinder, JC "The accuracy of monocular pointing to blurred photogrammetric signals" (Trinder b.1938 and retired 1999)

Stolz, A "Three dimensional Cartesian coordinates of part of the Australian Geodetic Network by the use of local astronomic vector systems" (BSurv UNSW 1963)

HL Mitchell "Relations between mean sea level and geodetic levelling in Australia"
AJ Robinson (BSurv UNSW 1962) "A study of zero error and ground swing of model MRA101 Tellurometer"

GJ Hoar "The analysis, precision and optimization of control surveys"
GJF Holden "An evaluation of orthophotography in an integrated mapping system"

EG Anderson "The effect of topography on solution of Stokes' problem"
AHW Kearsley "The computation of deflections of the vertical from gravity anomalies" Arthur Henry William

K Bretreger "Earth tide effect on geodetic observations"

Rizos, C "The role of the gravity field in sea surface topography studies" (BSurv UNSW 1975)

Richard Coleman "A geodetic basis for recovering ocean dynamic information from satellite altimetry"
Forster, BC "Some measures of urban residual quality from Landsat multi-spectral data"

1982: Larden, D "Monitoring of the Earth's rotation by Lunar Laser Ranging"

1983: Patterson, RC "Approximation and statistical methods in physical geodesy"

1985: Harvey, BR "The combination of VLBI and ground data for geodesy and geophysics"

source - link and rep85
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Friday, January 26, 2018

First BSurv UNSW (1962)

Let read history a little bit ...

Dept of Surveying at UNSW was established in 1957 (at that time it was known as NSW U of Technology). The year 1962 saw the graduation of the first BSurv graduands. There were five recipients of the BSurv award in 1962;

John Allman - later become academic staff at UNSW.

Ron Benjamin - senior surveyor with Crown Lands Office, Sydney.

Brian Kent - senior surveyor Gutteridge, Haskin & Davey Pty Ltd.

Tony Robinson - later become academic staff at UNSW.

Jim Sheaves - Secretary to the Australian Police Ministers Council.

Among the teaching staff at that time were - Peter Richardus and George Bennett.

standing from left - Allman, Robinson, Kent, Benjamin, and Sheaves

Source - pictorial history
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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Timbalai Trig Station - Labuan

In surveying trigonometric stations (usually referred to as trig station) are a very important infrastructure. They provide control coordinate so that surveying can be easily carried out throughout its surrounding area. In Labuan, there is one trigonometric station available - Timbalai trig station. In survey practice, Timbalai is not only known for its trig station but further more it is also a datum point for the whole East Malaysia mapping system.

Timbalai Trig Station (TTS) Signage

The main gate to TTS (sorry it is closed)
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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Tesis MSc Norehan

Pelajar Norehan Md Yaacob menghantar melalui pos laju tesis beliau yang sudah dibinding.

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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Catatan Mengenai Kern

Peralatan ukur jenama Kern pastinya amat janggal di kalangan pelajar dan juga graduan ukur era geomatik masa kini. Peralan ukur yang dipakai ketika melakukan amali ukur kebanyakannya jenama kini seperti Leica, Trimble, dan Topcon. Kern sebagai jenama peralatan ukur sudah lama pupus. Perniagaan mereka berakhir pada 1991 selepas bergabung dengan pesaing sesama negara Switzerland iaitu Wild.

Kern mula ditubuh pada 1819 di Aarau oleh pengasasnya Jacob Kern. Ia bermula dengan produk peralatan pelotan/lukisan.

Sejarah awal Kern boleh dibaca  di sini - kernaarau dan historiccamera.

Perkembangannya setelah penggabungannya dengan Wild boleh dibaca di sini - Wildkern dan wildheerbrugg.

History of angle measurement - figcairo ;

Tesis MSc pada tahun 1971 tentang Kern DKM-2 oleh Kesler (b.1946) -  arizonauni.

Kern DM503 (1984)

Kern E1 (1984)
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Monday, January 8, 2018

Bulletin Kern (Surveying Instruments)

Kern adalah syarikat pengeluar instrumen ukur yang terkenal pada tahun 70an dan 80an. Pada zaman tersebut media pemasaran dan pengiklanan bergantung sepenuhnya kepada bahan penerbitan bercetak. Kern menerbitkan booklet yang dinamakan Bulletin Kern bagi mempromosi produk mereka. Bulletin Kern juga memuatkan berita dan artikel tentang aplikasi oleh pengguna produk mereka.

Lagi maklumat mengenai Kern yang boleh diakses - source kern.

Magazine Bulletin Kern bilangan 36 dan 40 (pada tahun 1990-an)

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Sunday, January 7, 2018

Mghu1524 Final

Final exam Mghu1524 was held today. The exam starts at 9 am and it last for four hours. All eight students came and sit for the exam.

Venue - C03 Level 4

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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

PSM Repeat Presentation

Today one student who repeat her PSM was finally giving her presentation. The session was held at GnG Room starts at 12 noon. The title of her PSM is "Assessment of Greenness Area of Macaque Habitats in UTM JB Campus". The work was under the supervision of Encik SAM. Congratulation Elliana.

Eliana Mohd Salleh
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