Saturday, January 4, 2014

Industrial Survey (2014)

Industrial Survey (Sgu4863) is an elective subject offered to final year students of geomatic engineering program. It is also offered as a compulsory subject to postgraduate students who registered in MSc (Geomatics) taught course. Photos below were taken in Jan 2014 show some of the undergraduate and postgraduate students who under take Industrial Survey.

Front row from left: Hafiz Ishak, Hazim, Zulhilmi, AbuBakar (Nigeria), Jonathan (Ghana)
Second row from left: Shukri, Hazwan, Hanif, --- , Hamzah (Jupem)
Farhan Hanif and ____
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Front row from left: Jonathan (Ghana) and AbuBakar (Nigeria)
Second row from left: ____, Azaliza (MSc), Izzati (MSc)
3rd row from left: ___, ____, Aisyah, ____

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Photo 3
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