A new development in gravity field related research has been presented by research team from TU Vienna. The work finally was culminated into a PhD dissertation entitled "Atmospheric effects on measurements of the Earth gravity field". The thesis was submitted by Maria Karbon of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Vienna University of Technology and defended in 2013. The thesis committee were consist of Harald Schuh -GFZ (Principal SV), Johannes Bohm (Co-SV), and Georg Gartner - Vienna TU, Frank Flecthner - GFZ, Bruno Meurers - Vienna TU.
The contents of thesis include - Introduction, The gravity field of the Earth, Atmospheric effects on the gravity of the Earth, Mathematical description of the de-aliasing model for GRACE and its validation, Atmospheric corrections for super conducting gravimeters, Summary, conclusions and outlook. The thesis can be download here).
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