Sunday, September 17, 2006

Jurnal Marine Geodesy 1977-1978


Jurnal Marine Geodesy mula diterbitkan dengan Volume 1 pada period 1977-78. Ada dua keluaran pada tahun 1977 dan dua lagi pada 1978. Editor utama MG ialah Narendra Saxena. Keluaran pertama pada tahun 1977 meliputi tajuk berikut:

Geodetic measurements in the ocean oleh A George Mourad.; Mean sea level and the marine geoid - an analysis of concepts (Irene Fischer); Integrated navigation systems for precise positioning in the deep ocean (Karl Ramsayer); Deep water signature of a tsunami (TS Murthy); The advection effect of planetary vorticity on sea level slope in a western boundary current (Frank Chew)

Vol 1 Issue 2 pula adalah;

Marine Geodesy - a direction for the future (Hyman Orlin); Norwegian marine geodetic project (four authors); ARGO - a new system for offshore surveys (JE Ayres); Maritime limits and boundaries (Robert Hodgson); Marine Geodesy - A new discipline or the modern realization of an ancient endeavor? (Irene Fischer); Preliminary differences in Mean Water Level between tide gauges along the South American Pacific Coast (John A Bray)

MG versi kini

Nota tambahan:

Originally the term "Marine Geodesy" was widely understood as "Geodesy in the Marine Environment" and dealt primarily with two aspects: precise position determination at sea and determination of a fine structured marine geoid. However, mainly with the impact of satellite radar altimeter measurements, a new understanding began to develop: it became evident that the field of Marine Geodesy could not be treated adequately from geodesists alone but that it needed close cooperation with related disciplines such as oceanography and marine geophysics.  

(source - desktop from UQ - preface 1984)

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Para pengajar pioneer

Antara para pengajar pioneer adalah Tuan Hj AHT (UNSW), Abdullah Ali (Oxford) dan AWI (Otago). Kumpulan kedua adalah mereka yang tamat dut pada 1972 dan menyambung ke nelp. Mereka adalah - ARAB, MISM, AS, TBM, MZD, dan MSML. Rakan LS dikalangan pioneer ini ialah NH Kota Bharu.

Kumpulan lainnya ialah MSMY, ALO, SI, KAR, MY, RJ, NJ. Seorang pengajar IY adalah lepasan ITB.

Staf yang tamat nelp tapi tidak kekal lama di utm ialah Zainul Rashid, Rosli Ahmad.

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