Euref (IAG Reference Frame Sub-Commission for Europe ) is very active in organizing symposium and meeting annually. In 2015 EUREF Symposium held in Leipzig with a special tutorial session on "Height and Gravity". The tutorial was filled with the following presentations;
1. On the geodetic infrastructure for height determination in Scandinavia with special emphasis on Sweden (Jonas Agren)
2. National height in Great Britain (Colin Fane)
3. The geodetic infrastructure for height determination in Germany (Martina Sacher et. al)
4. Global gravity field models and the IAG service ICGEM (Franz Barthelmes)
5. About the generation of global gravity field models from satellite and surface data (Christoph Foerste)
6. Goce gravity field models - overview, performance and impact on height systems (Thomas Gruber)
7. The European height reference system and its realization (Martina Sacher)
8. The absolute gravity reference system and its contribution to geoid determination (H Wziontek)
9. Unification of height reference frames in Europe (Gunter Liebsch)
10. Towards a world height system - the proposal for an international height reference system and frame (Johannes Ihde)
11. Hydrographic surveying and height reference (W Ellmer)