Sunday, December 18, 2016

Gravitational field of the earth

Another interesting and relevant topic is covered in Chapter 2 of the book i.e., Gravitational field of the earth. The full content of Chp 2 is as follows;

Chapter 2: Gravitational field of the earth.

1. Forces acting on an elementary volume of the rotating earth and the gravitational field.
2. Gravitational field of the earth.
3. Potential of the gravitational field of the earth.
4. Potential and the gravitational field due to an ellipsoid of rotation.
5. Clairaut’s Theorem.
6. Potential of the gravitational field in terms of spherical harmonics.
7. Geoid and leveling.
8. Stokes formula.
9. Molodensky’s problem.
10. Attraction field of the spheroid.
11. Spheroid and equilibrium of rotating fluid.
12. Development of the theory of the figure of the earth.

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