Friday, March 13, 2009

Major development reported at IAG Birmingham

Major development in geodesy achieved reported at IAG Birmingham;
  1. the active role of IERS in defining and implementing a global reference frame and the emergence of GPS as a major tool to accomplish frame realization at regional and local scales due to advances made in modeling, techniques, and quality control.
  2. the SIRGAS project which exemplified how a reference network for a whole continent can be established in a relatively short time, given the information base provided by Services such as IGS and IERS and the cooperation between the different countries in this part of the world.
  3. EUREF and EUVN which are the ongoing efforts in Europe to integrate classical network information with space geodetic data. This work, done under the auspices of Commission X, is exemplary for countries considering such action because it provides insight into the effort required and the gain achieved.
  4. The active role of Commission VIII, commonly known as CSTG, in coordinating the different space techniques used for geodesy and geodynamics. It has led to a proposal for new IAG Services in SLR and VLBI to be decided upon at this meeting. It also has resulted in a major international project exploring the potential of GPS/GLONASS integration.
  5. The continuing efforts of the Wegener Commission to use space and terrestrial methods for the solution of regional geodynamics problems in Europe and similar efforts, such as Geodyssea, in other parts of the world.
  6. The publication of the new Global Geopotential Model EGM96 by NASA/OSU/NIMA after comprehensive testing of alternative solutions by a working group of the IAG Geoid Service. It was exemplary in showing the contribution IAG can make to such an effort.
  7. The coming of age of airborne gravimetry as a method of high-resolution local geoid determination and as a potential tool for resource exploration.
  8. The advances made in using GPS for the remote sensing of the atmosphere and the potential impact of such techniques on science and every day life.
  9. The work performed on Temporal Variations of the Gravity Field, which is exemplary for its interaction with other groups working in the field and its high level of participation.
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