Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Poland KTH Geoid

One of the most recent geoid determinations using KTH approach was implemented for Poland. The work was done by researcher at the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Poland. The development of Poland geoid using KTH can be read in a paper co-authored by Kuczynska-Siehin, Adam Lyszkowicz and Monica Birylo entitled "Geoid determination for the area of Poland by least squares modification of Stokes' formula". The paper is due to be published in Acta Geodyn Geomater next year (2016).

Adam (researchgate)

Adam is now at Polish Air Force Academy; formerly  with Warmia Mazury Univerity Olsztyn (Jan 2001 to Sep 2016). He also involved in geoid computation for Brunei (link).

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