Thursday, March 24, 2016

Satellite Gravimetry Mission - What after Goce?

Three dedicated satellite for gravity missions - Champ, Grace & Goce - were already very successful in providing series of GGM over the decades. Champ launched in 2000 and its mission already ended in 2010.  Grace launched in 2002 and it is still in operation up till now. Goce launched in 2009 and ended its mission in 2013.

According to the most recent work by Daras (2016) on the next mission of satellite gravity he mentioned two future projects. The two are Grace Follow-On (Grace-FO) and Next Generation Gravity Missions (NGGMs).

Following are excerpt taken from Daras work;

"The continuity of the time-varying gravity field time series, is enabled by the upcoming
launch (August 2017) of GRACE’s successor, namely the GRACE Follow-On (GRACE-FO) mission (Flechtner et al., 2014a). GRACE-FO is a gap-filling mission that will cover the time span between GRACE and Next Generation Gravity Missions (NGGMs) to be launched in the mid-term future (after 2020).

Daras's phd dowload here - dgk.

Ilias Daras (researchgate)

Formerly researcher at TUM; now senior engineer at Airbus (source)
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