Monday, November 9, 2015

Bulgaria Geoid - 2001 and 2004

Bulgaria geoid has been worked by Assoc Prof Elena Peneva of Geodesy Dept, U of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia. Her work was submitted as a doctoral dissertation entitled "Gravimetric Geoid Determination for the Territory of Bulgaria" (in Bulgarian) at the same department in 2001. It was later published as a journal paper "A preliminary gravimetric geoid model for the territory of Bulgaria" in AVN 10/2004. The Bulgaria geoid was computed by remove restore technique employing FFT method using Gravsoft geoid package. She later evaluated this geoid with gps-levelling data and the results were then published in 2006.

Prof Peneva website can be reached here; her paper in AVN journal can be downloaded here; the gps-levelling comparison can be read here.

Her class on geoid computation is here - link.

Prof Elena Peneva (researchgate)

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