Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Geoid Talk - Series 1

Today I gave a talk entitled “Geoid-related Intro” to a small audience of GIRG members. The talk lasted about two hours. The talk deals mainly on basic definition of geoid by describing it as another example of Earth nature creation. The early development of geoid computation using Stokes formula was discussed next. The limitation of Stokes geoid was highlighted which then led to the introduction of Stokes modification concept. The talk ended by describing further improvement to Stokes modification technique developed by Prof Sjoberg of KTH Sweden. The major characteristics of least squares modification of Stokes used in KTH approach was described towards the end of the talk.

Talk on geoid related intro
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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Konvokesyen Geomatik 2015

Sesi Konvokesyen bagi graduan Geomatik berlangsung pada Ahad 25 Okt sesi petang. Sempat bertemu dengan beberapa graduan yang hadir. Antaranya ialah Nur Amalina dari Alor Setar, Rusydi dan Izzudin. Rusydi kini bekerja dengan LS Abdul Fatah Yasin di KL. Manakala Izzudin merancang untuk menyambung pengajian pasca-ijazah mulai sesi akan datang.

Nur Amalina - pernah melawat beliau ketika LI di Syarikat JP Alor Setar

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Prof Halim talk on his research experience

Professor Halim has his last day of service today and a special talk was arranged for him. He gave a presentation of about one hour on the research experience he has achieved during his academic career. He elaborated on three major researches which he claimed has contributed a lot to PLS research group. The three researches mentioned were works on cranio facial, terrestrial laser scanning based projects and MyLab project.

The timing of the talk was clashed with convocation for geomatic students. Hence not many attendees managed to join.

Photo session after the talk
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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Majlis Persaraan Prof Halim

Prof Halim akan mula bersara selepas 25 Okt 2015. Pada pagi ini diadakan Majlis Perpisahan peringkat FGHT di Bilik Seminar. Aturcara majlis melibatkan ucapan oleh KJ, Dekan dan yang diraikan iaitu yang bakal bersara. Seperti mana majlis persaraan sebelum ini ucapan yang disampaikan oleh bakal pesara hanyalah berfokus kepada sejarah kerjaya yang dilalui beliau.

Sesi ucapan pegawai yang dirai
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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Poland KTH Geoid

One of the most recent geoid determinations using KTH approach was implemented for Poland. The work was done by researcher at the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Poland. The development of Poland geoid using KTH can be read in a paper co-authored by Kuczynska-Siehin, Adam Lyszkowicz and Monica Birylo entitled "Geoid determination for the area of Poland by least squares modification of Stokes' formula". The paper is due to be published in Acta Geodyn Geomater next year (2016).

Adam (researchgate)

Adam is now at Polish Air Force Academy; formerly  with Warmia Mazury Univerity Olsztyn (Jan 2001 to Sep 2016). He also involved in geoid computation for Brunei (link).

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Friday, October 16, 2015

L'Oreal-Unesco Women Science Award

Tiga saintis wanita Malaysia memenangi L’Oreal-Unesco for Women in Science Award bagi tahun 2015. Mereka adalah Dr Wan Wardatul Amani Wan Salim, Dr Oon Chern Ein dan Dr Normi Mohd Yahaya. Dr Amani mememenangi anugerah tersebut kerana penyelidikan meghasilkan sensor mudah alih untuk mengesan air tercemar. Beliau merupakan assistant professor di IIUM. Dr Amani pernah turut terlibat dalam team penyelidikan Nasa dan Purdue University. Dr Oon (dari USM) melakukan penyelidikan dalam perubatan kanser manakala Dr Normi (dari UPM) mengkaji tentang overcoming antimicrobial resistance by generating new peptides. Anugerah yang mereka terima adalah geran penyelidikan bernilai Rm30,000.

The winners from left Dr Wan Amani, Dr Oon and Dr Normi

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Monday, October 12, 2015

Quiz 1 Sghu4863 (2015)

Today Quiz 1 was held as scheduled to students enrolled in Sghu4863. Glad to report there is no absentee. The quiz covers only the first two topics - intro and computational aspects of IS.

The boys

The girls

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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Program Coaching FYE (2015)

Satu ceramah khusus bertajuk "Coaching" untuk pelajar tahun pertama FGHT telah diadakan petang tadi di DK 1. Ceramah disampaikan oleh Dr Afandi sebagai sebahagian dari program First Year Experience (FYE) anjuran Pusat Pengajian Prasiswazah. Program telah disertai oleh pelajar tahun pertama kursus Geomatik, Geoinformasi, Pengurusan Harta dan juga LAD.

Sebahagian pelajar yang hadir

Penyampaian cenderahati kepada penceramah
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