Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tesis Geodesi Jerman Pada 1984


Kajian geodesi yang menghasilkan tesis phd di Jerman pada 1984:

A Kleusberg (1984) Diagnosis and therapy of geodetic satellite networks of the type Doppler

P Georgiadou (1984) To define a body-fixed reference system for a deformable earth and its analytical form of movement under the influence of external forces

B Heck (1984) To determine recent vertical movements of the earth's crust and temporal changes in the gravitational field from repeated gravity measurements and leveling (habilitation).

Ernst Heinrich Knickmeyer (1984) An approximate solution of the general linear geodetic boundary value problem through series expansion according to spherical functions.

Karlsruhe University

Professor Bernhard Beck mengetuai geodesi di Karlsruhe 

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