Thursday, December 10, 2009

IAG 134 Geodetic Reference Frames (2006)

IAG 134 Geodetic Reference Frames is the proceedings of IAG Symposium held in Munich in October 2006. The proceedings was edited by Prof Dr Hermann Drewes (of DGFI Munich). The series editor was Prof Michael Sideris. The symposium was organized by Commission 1 of IAG. More than 160 participants from 31 countries attended the symposium.

IAG 134 (Published in 2009)
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Friday, December 4, 2009

Paper with Twenty-six Authors (2009)

A paper entitled "Geodetic observations of the ocean surface topography, geoid, currents, and changes in ocean mass and volume" was written by twenty-six authors. The paper was published in the Proceedings of OceanObs’09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society (Vol. 2), ESA.

Shum et al. (2009) - Source
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Global Geodetic Observing System (2009)

A geodesy book entitled "Global Geodetic Observing System" was published by Springer in 2009. The book was edited by Hans-Peter Plag (U of Nevada, Reno) and Michael Pearlman (Havard-Smithsonian Center of Astrophysics, Cambridge MA).

GGOS (2009)

1) Introduction; 2) The goals, achievements, and tools of modern geodesy; 3) Understanding a dynamic planet: Earth science requirements for geodesy; 4) Maintaining a modern society; 5) Earth observation: serving the needs of an increasingly global society; 6) Geodesy: foundation for exploring the planets, the solar system and beyond; 7) Integrated scientific and societal user requirements and functional specifications for the GGOS; 8) The future geodetic reference frame; 9) The future GGOS; 10) Towards GGOS in 2020; 11) Recommendation.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Pelajar PSM (2009/10)

Pada sesi 2009/10 seramai enam pelajar telah mengerjakan PSM mereka di bawah bimbingan saya. Ini merupakan jumlah paling ramai pelajar PSM yang saya pernah ada. Mereka adalah;
  1. Noor Nadia binti Mohamed Isa "Pelarasan jaringan ukur aras jitu - Kajian kes: Sebahagian Negeri Johor".
  2. Muhamad Firdaus bin Hashim "The estimation of height conversion parameter for GPS height transformation".
  3. Zakiah binti Abdul Rishah "Analisa ukur deformasi mengguna data total station dan perisian Fredy03".
  4. Ahmad Abdullah bin Ahmad Tajuddin "Pemetaan 3D dan visualisasi menggunakan Google Sketchup Pro 6 (Kes Kajian: Sebahagian daripada Kolej Rahman Putra UTM)
  5. Mohd Salim bin Haji Yusof "Prosedur dalam pengeluaran hakmilik strata (Kajian kes: Komuniti berpagar di Impian Bukit Tungku, Kuala Lumpur"
  6. Mohamad Zamel bin Zulkafle "Perbandingan perisian Topcon Image Master Pro dengan Photomodeler Pro5.0 bagi aplikasi tiga dimensi".
Nadia, Firdaus dan Zakiah menyelesaikan PSM mereka dengan tajuk yang saya cadangkan manakala tiga pelajar lain memang telah ada tajuk mereka sendiri. Bermakna Ahmad, Salim dan Zamel menyiapkanPSM tanpa perlu bimbingan yang sepenuhnya.
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Saturday, November 21, 2009

MGU - Adv Eng Svy (2009)

I was involved in teaching postgraduate subject Advanced Engineering Survey since 2009. The content of this subject consists of two main topics of engineering survey i.e., Automation Survey and Deformation Survey. The latter was handled by me. In 2009 there were ten students registered for this subject. Five were locals while another five were foreign students (three from Iran and one each from Nigeria and Uganda).

Postgraduate students taking Adv Eng Survey Mgu1104 (2009)
From right - Roya Olyazadeh (Iran), Hamed Karimian (Iran), Lawali Rabiu(Nigeria), Mohamed (Iran) and Mathius Kabagambe (Uganda)
Local students - Wani Sofia (UMK), Abd Sukor Sarif (UTHM)

Some updates:

Roya is now a PhD candidate at Lausanne, Switzerland while Hamed is doing his PhD at Peking University (this need re-confirmation).
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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Pelajar PSM (2008/09)

Selepas gap yang panjang tanpa penyeliaan PSM (i.e., 2006 - 2008) maka pada sesi 2008/09 saya kembali semula menyelia PSM pelajar Sgu. Seramai dua pelajar tahun akhir Sgu yang membuat PSM dengan bimbingan saya pada sesi ini. Mereka ialah;
  1. Nadiah binti Ismail "Ground penetrating radar processing in producing 3D visualization of subsurface utility mapping"
  2. Mohd Hasmikhan bin Idris "Pelarasan jaringan arasjitu (Kes kajian: Sebahagian kawasan Lembah Klang)".
Nadiah ialah anak kepada Tn Hj Ismail Talib seorang Jurukur Belrlesen yang membuka syarikat di Serendah Selangor. PSM Nadiah banyak mendapat bantuan dari Syarikat Precise Subsurface Sdn Bhd. Syarikat berkenaanmembekalkan data dan juga perisian bagi kerja prosesan.

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Kursus Penerbitan Monograf (2007)

Hadir mengikuti kursus penerbitan monograf.

Sijil Penyertaan
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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

In remembrance - Perugia IAG 2007

At IAG Perugia 2007 opening ceremony the following remembrance was read;

William Baarda (Netherlands); Karel Hamal (Czech Republic); Torben Krarup (Denmark); Ludmila Kubackova (Czech Republic); Buford K. Meade (USA); Milos Pick (Czech Republic) Muzafer Serbetci (Turkey); Urho A. K. Uotila (Finland/USA); Pavel Vyskocil (Czech Republic)

A book by Milos Pick (b.1923)

Read Milos Pick paper "On some types of gravity anomalies" - Sgg 1979 (link)

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Friday, November 6, 2009

IAG Award Winners (Perugia 2007)

The IUGG/IAG General Assembly was held in Perugia in 2007. The following IAG medals and prices have been awarded in 2007:

• Levallois Medal to C.C. Tscherning, Denmark;
• Bomford Prize to Masato Furuya, Japan;
• Young Author Award to Steffen Schön, Germany.

Furuya's research has been focused on the geodetic measurements of geodynamic phenomena and their geophysical interpretations. Furuya has spend his time at Colorado Uni Boulder doing research using InSAR at Canyonland National Park. Read Furuya acceptance speech - here.

Masato Furuya (now at Hokkaido Uni, Sapporo - researchgate)
b.1968; BSc 1992; MSc 1994; PhD Tokyo 1997 (cv)
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Friday, October 30, 2009

Lawatan LI (2009)

Tugas lawatan LI pada sesi ini diatur bersama MSCA. Lawatan melibatkan kunjungan ke Juruukur Abadi Ipoh.

Juruukur Abadi

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Monday, October 26, 2009

LI Batu Pahat (2009)

Lawatan LI dilakukan ke firma LS Tan Seng Hoe di Batu Pahat.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Conrad Tang (2009)

Have a short meeting with Dr Conrad Tang (from HKPU) at Concorde KL. He was in KL attending FIG Comm 7 Meeting. Tang is the HK representative to Comm 7.

Met with Conrad Tang

Chinese tea presented by Conrad
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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Visiting Tallinn TU (2008)

In February 2008 I have visited Tallinn Technical University (TTU), Estonia. I was there for two weeks attached to Geodesy Division of TTU hosted by Prof Artu Ellmann. The main activity during TTU visit was to learn geoid computation using UNB Stokes-Helmert method.

With Professor Artu Ellmann at Tallinn Technical University
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Monday, August 10, 2009

NCTU Geodesy Visit (2006)

In December 2006 I have visited National Chiao Tong University, Hsinchu,Taiwan. Hsinchu is about 90 km from Taipei and it took about one hour drive to reach NCTU. I was there for two weeks working at Space Geodesy Laboratory hosted by Prof Cheinway Hwang. The Space Geodesy Lab is a division under Civil Engineering Department, NCTU and is headed by Prof Cheinway. Dr Cheinway is an expert in physical geodesy particularly on geoid computation, satellite altimetry and marine gravity.

Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU
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Thursday, August 6, 2009

ISG 2006 Shah Alam

I have attended the ISG 2006 held at Sheraton Hotel Shah Alam hosted by Uitm Dept of Surveying Science. ISG 2006 stands for International Symposium & Exhibition on Geoinformation held on September 2006. My participation is through presentation of a paper entitled "The adjustment of regional levelling network using in-house developed software".  The paper described about the implementation of least-squares adjustment for levelling network using MoreFix. I have developed MoreFix as a result of many years of effort writing the software using Fortran.

Presenting paper at ISG 2006 session 4D
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Monday, August 3, 2009

1st IGFS Turkey (2006)

In 2006 besides Wuhan Hotine-Marussi there is another geodesy symposium organized by IAG - The first international symposium of the International Gravity Field Service (IGFS) was held August 28 - September 1, in Istanbul Turkey. This was the first symposium of the International Gravity Field Service (IGFS) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), and it continues the series of symposia of the former International Gravity and Geoid Commission. IGFS is a new unified "umbrella" IAG service with its overall goal is to coordinate the servicing of the geodetic and geophysical community with gravity field-related data, software and information.

Assoc Prof Bihter Erol (source)

A total of 78 papers have been submitted to appear in this symposium proceedings. The proceedings can be downloaded from here - igfs. Rene Forsberg (President of IGFS) and Bihter Erol (member of LOC) played major role in organizing IGFS 2006.

Only online version available
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Monday, July 20, 2009

IAG 133 - Observing Our Changing Earth (Perugia 2007)

IAG 132 "Observing Our Changing Earth" is the proceedings of the IAG General Assembly held in Perugia Italy in July 2007. The proceedings was edited by Michael Sideris. The 2007 Assembly attracted over 400 geodesists from 49 countries, including 120 students.

This volume contains the proceedings of these five Symposia, which are listed below:

Symp GS001: Reference Frames [Convener: H. Drewes; Co-convener: A. Dermanis]
Symp GS002: Gravity Field [Convener: C. Jekeli; Co-conveners: U. Marti, S. Okubo, N. Sneeuw, I. Tziavos, G. Vergos, M. Vermeer, P. Visser]
Symp GS003: Earth Rotation and Geodynamics [Convener: V. Dehant; Co-convener: Chengli Huang]
Symp GS004: Positioning and Applications [Convener: C. Rizos; Co-convener: S. Verhagen]
Symp GS005: The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) [Conveners: M. Rothacher; Co-conveners: R. Neilan, H.-P. Plag]

IAG 133 (Published in 2009)

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Friday, July 17, 2009

IAG 132: VI Hotine-Marussi Symposium (2006)

IAG 132 "VI Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Theoretical and Computational Geodesy" is the proceedings  of the IAG Symposium held at Wuhan China in 2006. The proceedings was edited by Xu Peiliang (Kyoto University), Jingnan Liu (Wuhan University) and Dermanis (AUT Thessaloniki). Series editor is Fernando Sanso. The VI Hotine-Marussi Symposium was organized by the Inter Commission Committee on Theory (ICCT) with Xu Peiliang is the President of ICCT.

Xu Peiliang (Kyoto University - link; researchgate)
PhD Geodesy, Wuhan 1989; joined Kyoto U in 1997

The VI Hotine-Marussi Symposium was unique in the senses that:
(i) this is the first Hotine-Marussi symposium to go beyond mathematical geodesy; (ii) this is the first time for a Hotine-Marussi symposium to be held outside Europe; and (iii) this is the first time that a Hotine Marussi symposium was organized by an IAG entity instead of by Prof. F. Sanso and his group, as was traditionally the case.

IAG 132 (Published in 2008)

The symposium covers the following topics - satellite gravity and geodynamics; reference frame, gps theory, algorithms and applications; statistical estimation: methods and applications; GBVPs inverse problem theory;

Among the papers published in IAG 132;
Variance Component Estimation by the Method of Least-Squares  by P.J.G. Teunissen, A.R. Amiri-Simkooei.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

LSGI HKPU (2005)

I visited LSGI at Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPU) for the first time in Dec 2005. The visit was on a special program as visiting researcher and the trip there was coincided with another big event at LSGI - The 2005 International Symposium on GPS/GNSS (GNSS2005) which took place in Hong Kong, 8-10 December 2005. My trip to HKPU was joined also by another colleague Mr Rusli Othman.

This research visit was mainly utilized to discussed with Prof Chen Yonqi on geodetic deformation analysis in line with the on-going IRPA research on the same topic. The opportunity also was taken to access HKPU Main Library to look for past papers in Manuscripta Geodaetica which were not available at PSZ Utm.

Photo taken at HKPU in-front GNSS 2005 banner
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Monday, July 13, 2009

IAG 131 - Geodetic Deformation Spain (2005)

IAG 131 "Geodetic Deformation Monitoring: From Geophysical to Engineering Roles" is the proceedings of IAG Symposium held in Jaen Spain in 2005. The proceedings was edited by Fernando Sanso and Antonio J Gill (University of Jaen). The Symposium has been organized by the Geodesy Research Group of the Jaén University (Spain). About eighty people from more than twenty countries have attended the symposium. Fifty-five papers have been presented in the oral and poster sessions. The opening address was on the topic "Recent Crustal Movements, Geodetic Tasks, History, Present and Future" by H.G. Henneberg (University of Zulia, Venezuela).

A J Gil (researchgate)
Gil is also active in geoid research particularly in GeoMed2 project

IAG 131 (Published in 2006)
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Friday, July 10, 2009

IAG 130 - Dynamic Planet (Cairns 2005)

IAG 130 - Dynamic Planet is the proceedings of the IAG Symposium held in Cairns, Australia in August 2005. The full theme of the symposium was Dynamic Planet: monitoring and understanding a Dynamic Planet with geodetic and oceanographic tools. The proceedings was edited by Paul Tregoning (ANU) and Chris Rizos (UNSW). Series editor was Fernando Sanso.

Paul Tregoning (source)
BSc 1990 UNSW; PhD 1996 UNSW
(he did his PhD while Brunner was still in UNSW)

IAG 130 (Published in 2007)
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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Budapest Geoid School 2005

The Geoid School in Budapest was the sixth in series organized by IAG. Prior to that the International Geoid Schools, started in Milan (Italy, 1994) and continued in Rio de Janeiro (Brasil, 1997), Milan (1999), Johor (Malaysia, 2000) and Thessaloniki (Greece, 2002).
The School was organized by the International Geoid Service (IGeS) and BUTE/HAS. The members of the Local Organizing Committee were: József Ádám (Chairman), Lóránt Földváry, Szabolcs Rózsa (Secretary) and Gyula Tóth.

As usual the IAG geoid school consists of five main lectures and each topic was delivered by prominent professor(s).  Lectures at the Budapest geoid school were arranged as follows;
i) Fernandó Sansó (A compendium of physical geodesy in view of geoid computation and related height questions),
ii) Riccardo Barzaghi (The Global Geopotential Models),
iii) Christian C. Tscherning (Geoid Determination by least-squares collocation using GRAVSOFT),
iv) Michael G. Sideris (Geoid Determination by FFT Techniques) and
v) Ilias N. Tziavos (The Terrain Effects in Geoid Estimation).

The door to IAG Geoid School lecture room
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Monday, July 6, 2009

IAG Geoid School 2005

I was fortunate enough having the opportunity attending the IAG Geoid School held at Budapest in February 2005. This was the sixth geoid school organized by IAG and it was very success with close to thirty participants registered. The event was hosted by Geodesy Department of Budapest University of Technology (BUTE).

Participants of IAG Geoid School (2005)

49 participants arrived to the school from the following 19 countries: Canada (3), Croatia (3), Czech Republic (1), Denmark (3), France (3), Germany (3), Greece (1), Hungary (5), Italy (3), Malaysia (1), Pakistan (8), Poland (4), Portugal (1), Saudi Arabia (3), Slovakia (1), Slovenia (1), Spain (2), Turkey (2) and Ukraine (1)

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Friday, July 3, 2009

Penyelian PSM 2004/05

Dua pelajar berjaya menyiapkan PSM mereka di bawah seliaan saya sepanjang sesi 2005/05. Mereka ialah;

Mohd Izzudin bin Ali "Penghasilan elemen grafik untuk analisis tren dalam analisa deformasi.
Muhd Faeiz bin Mohd Shaidi "Perlaksanaan satu kaedah robust dengan matrik pemberat berlelaran untuk analisa deformasi".

Izzudin mengerjakan PSM menyambung pakej yang dibangun oleh Ernyza (Fredy03) dengan membuat penambahan untuk menyertakan penyediaan elemen grafik.

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Seamerges funded Salt Workshop (2004)

The Satellite Altimetry (Salt) Workshop at ITB was the third in series of workshop programs organized under Seamerges. The first one was on Geodynamic GPS hosted by Chulalongkorn Univesity followed by InSAR held at Faculty of Geoinformation UTM Skudai. The lecture and lab sessions during Salt Workshop were handled by Dr Marc Naidje from DEOS Delft TU. There were four participants from UTM i.e., PM Kamaludin, myself, Asrur and Kee Tuan Chuan (both were research students). All the expenditures on air-ticket and accommodation were fully paid by Seamerges.
Seamerges = South East Asia: Mastering Environmental Reasearch with Geodetic Space Techniques - (link)

Salt Workshop at ITB (photo with Asrur)

This photo was taken at the Computer Lab of ITB Geodesy Dept. Notice that the floor is really clean and shining (very well maintained).
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Friday, June 26, 2009

Tangkuban Parahu

Another main attraction to visitors of Bandung is Tangkuban Parahu. It is a famous crater located quite a distance from city but it is really a must visit site. And the tour organized by Salt Seamerges include tour to Tangkuban Parahu.

The crater on the foreground

At the height of 1830 meter above MSL

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tour of Kampung Naga

On the way back from Papandayan volcano the the participants were taken to a short tour to Kampung Naga. Kampung Naga is a traditional village inhabited by a group of local community whereby their unique life culture were observed and preserved. The establishment of Kampung Naga and the preservation of its community daily life culture have become attraction to tourist.

The Kampung Naga signage

Traditional houses made of bamboos at Kampung Naga

Houses at Kampung Naga

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Monday, June 22, 2009

Technical visit to Papandayan volcano (2004)

As part of the program arranged by ITB during SALT course was the visit to Papandayan volcano. Papandayan is about 70 km from Bandung city and is one of the active volcanoes in Indonesia. The most recent eruptions of Papandayan were recorded in November-December 2002. The monitoring of ground deformation of Papandayan as impacted by volcanic activity was carried out actively by geodesist from ITB, from Directorate of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Indonesia (DVGHM) and also by research group from UNSW.

Read paper on ground deformation of Papandayan detected by GPS survey (2005) [no longer available] and low-cost GPS-based volcano deformation monitoring at Mt. Papandayan written by Jannsen et al (2002).

Papandayan volcano as seen from parking area at the ground
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The signage at Papandayan
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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Satellite Altimetry Training Course ITB (2004)

I was given the opportunity to took part in a short course "Satellite Altimetry Training Course" The (Salt) course was held at Institute of Technology Bandung for a two-weeks period. This was my first visit to ITB then. At that time Prof Joneil Kahar is still working at Geodesy Dept ITB.

Some of the participants of the Salt short course (with Prof Kahar right in the middle)
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Thursday, June 18, 2009

IAG 129 - Gravity, Geoid & Space Mission (2004)

IAG 129 - Gravity, Geoid & Space Mission is the proceedings of the IAG International Symposium on Gravity Geoid & Space Mission held in Porto Portugal 2004 (GGSM2004). The proceedings was edited by Christopher Jekeli (OSU) as Chairman of Commission II IAG - Gravity Field, Luisa Bastos and Joana Fernandes (both of Porto Universidade). Prof Fernando Sanso is the Series Editor.

GGSM 2004 is the continuation of the previous mid-term meetings of IAG on 3G (Gravity, Geoid & Geodynamic). The two previous meeting were the International Symposia on Gravity, Geoid, and Marine Geodesy (Tokyo, 1996), and Gravity, Geoid, and Geodynamics (Banff, 2000).

The space mission component in GGSM 2004 were included with the special focus on the CHAMP, GRACE, and GOCE satellite missions. Attention was also directed toward projects addressing topographic and ice field mapping using SAR, LIDAR, and laser altimetry, as well as missions and studies related to planetary geodesy.

IAG 129 (Published in 2005)
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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

FIG & IAG Symposium Nottingham (2004)

In summer 2004 another big event was organized by FIG together with IAG. The event was 1st FIG International Symposium on Engineering Surveys for Construction Works and Structural Engineering. Nottingham, United Kingdom, 28 June – 1 July 2004. The person in-charge in organizing this symposium is Professor Gethyn Robert of the IESSG Nottingham University.  I attended this symposium and managed to have a poster presentation.

Photo taken infront of IESSG Building, Nottingham University
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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sedikit mengenai Santorini

Penganjuran FIG Symposium on Deformation di Santorini adalah bertepatan sekali dari segi tarikan dan juga teknikal. Dari segi tarikan peserta ia diadakan di sebuah dewan klasik di lokasi yang betul-betul menjadi tumpuan pelancung. Manakala di segi teknikalnya pula Santorini adalah kawasan yang telah mengalami kesan letupangunung berapi yang mana telah dipantau oleh banyak pihak dengan kaedah geodetik.

Santorini Airport (waktu awal pagi jam 6)

Untuk sampai ke Santorini penerbangan dari Athens mengambil masa sekitar 50 minit. Untuk ke pusat bandar Thira pula kira-kira 25 minit dari airport. Antara tarikan utama Santorini adalah hampir semua bangunan di bandar terbesar Thira dicat dengan warna putih dan biru. Thira juga mempunyai kereta kabel dari pelabuhan (tepi laut) untuk ke kawasan puncak. Sebagai alternatif pengunjung perlu berjalan mendaki bukit atau pun menunggang keldai kecil dengan sedikit bayaran untuk sampai ke puncak bandar Thira.

Hampir semua bangunan di Bandar Thira bercat putih

Kereta Kabel Thira

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

LS friends at Santorini Symposium

The FIG Deformation Symposium at Santorini was also attended by licensed surveyors (LS) from Malaysia. We met two LS - Tuan Haji Wan Ariffin (from Kota Bharu) and Tuan Haji Abdul Rahman Jusoh (from Ipoh). These two LS came to Santorini packed with food stuffs from home like rice, sardines, and maggi. I spend some times with them and was very lucky because they also invited me to have rice and sardine together with them at their hotel room.

Two Licensed Surveyors from Malaysia met at Santorini Symposium
(Tn Hj Wan Ariffin & Tn Hj Abdul Rahman Jusoh)
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Monday, June 8, 2009

FIG Santorini Proceedings 2003

The 11th FIG International Symp on Deformation Measurements at Santorini was organized by Prof Statis Sthiros of Patras University. The hardcopy proceedings was published by Geodesy Lab of Patras University.

The proceedings of Santorini Deformation Symposium

Stathis Stiros (PhD Geology Athens 1992)
source - link
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Friday, June 5, 2009

FIG Deformation Symposium Santorini (2003)

The FIG International Symposium on Deformation Measurement was held at every two or three years period. The 11th Symposium was held at Santorini, Greece and it was organized by Professor Statis Sthiros of Patras University. The last two deformation symposiums prior to Santorini was held in Orange California (2001) and Olsztyn Poland (1999).

I attended the Santorini Symposium together with my colleague Prof Halim Setan.

Photo taken with Dr Adam Chrzanowski at Santorini Symposium
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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Penyeliaan Tesis (2003-2004)

Pada sesi 2003/04 seramai tiga pelajar berjaya menyiapkan tesis BSurv di bawah seliaan saya iaitu;

Ernyza binti Endot "Pembangunan perisian analisa deformasi Kaedah Fredericton".
Mohd Azwan bin Abbas "Pemakaian dan pemprosesan data geoteknik dalam kerja ukur deformasi".
Lee Cheh Hang "Penggunaan APSWin dalam ukur deformasi".

Ernyza memfokus kerjanya untuk memperbaiki rutin yang dibangun oleh Ng Ah Lee sebelum ini dengan mengubahnya kepada operasi window. Azwan pula cuba membangunkan rutin untuk memproses data yang diperolehi dari peralatan geoteknik.

Ketiga-tiga mereka kemudiannya menyambung pengajian ke peringkat MSc di FGHT. Mohd Azwan mendapat penajaan dari Uitm sebagai staf akademik muda manakala Ernyza dan Cheh Hang dibiaya melalui vot penyelidikan Cimes.

Tasek Dal
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Thursday, May 28, 2009

IUGG/IAG General Assembly Sapporo (2003)

The XXIII IUGG General Assembly together with IAG was held in Sapporo Japan from June 30 to July 11, 2003. During the IAG President (Fernando Sanso) opening speech he mentioned names of geodesist passed away between the last meeting (in Birmigham 1999) up to Sapporo 2003;
  1. Peter Vincent Angus-Leppan (Former President of IAG)
  2. S Bakkelid (Norway)
  3. Tetar Kresimir Colic (Croatia)
  4. Joseph F. Dracup (U.S.A.)
  5. R C. A. Edge (U.K.)
  6. Lars A. Haller (Sweden)
  7. Francis J Lerch (U.S.A.)
  8. J.J. Levallois (Former IAG General Secretary)
  9. Alwyn R. Robbins (U.K.)
  10. Thaddeus Vincenty (U.S.A)
  11. Hans-George Wenzel (Germany)
  12. O’Keefe (USA)
  13. Rowland Oluwole Coker (Nigeria)

Sapporo Convention Center
(One of the premises for IAG 2003 General Meeting 2003)

Sapporo 2003 Comptes Rendu can be read here - iugg.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Amos & WEF 2003 Preparation of a New Data File for Geoid Computation

Source: Amos & WEF (2003) “Preparation of a new ….” NZ Surveyor

  1. The paper described that free-air gravity anomalies were computed;
  • from IGSN71-corrected gravity observations
  • by subtracting the value of normal gravity at the geocentric observation latitude,
  • then adding the second-order free air correction and atmospheric correction for the for the observation elevation (above local MSL)
  1. A second-order free air correction is a more accurate representation of the vertical gradient of gravity for an ellipsoidal Earth because it takes into account the variation of normal gravity with latitude as well as higher order terms in height.


  1. Why do atmospheric correction?

i) AC accounts for the mass-inconsistency between the GRS80 normal ellipsoid and gravity observed        on the Earth surface, as well as

ii) the gravitational attraction of the atmosphere above the gravity observation point,

iii)  AC also needed to make the terrestrial gravity anomalies consistent with those derived from the GGM


  1. How to apply AC? Relevant formulas are given in

i) WEF (1995)

ii) WEF et al (1997)

iii)  Further work on AC is described by Sjoberg (2000)


Torge, 1989 – Gravimetry, Gruyter …. mentioned that the Potsdam gravity datum contains an error (… therefore IGSN71 global gravity datum should be used instead)

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Monday, May 25, 2009

IAG 128 - A Window on the Future of Geodesy

IAG 128 - A Window on the Future of Geodesy is the proceedings of the IAG General Assembly held in Sapporo in 2003. The volume editor and series editor is Fernando Sanso (IAG President).

IAG 128 - Sapporo General Assembly (Published in 2005)
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Friday, May 22, 2009

IAG 127: V Hotine-Marussi (2003)

IAG 127 is the proceedings of the V Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy. The symposium was held in Matera, Italy in June 2003 hosted by Italian Space Agency. The place is the
largest Italian facility for space geodetic observations including the quite impressive device for satellite and lunar laser ranging and the giant VLBI antenna.

IAG 127 (Published in 2004)

Among the interesting papers ;

"Gaussian differential geometry and differential geodesy" by Joseph D Zund of New Mexico Uni. This paper presents an appreciation of the work of Marussi and Hotine, and gives a survey of Gaussian differential geometry which are required in formulating the generalized Marussi-Hotine approach to differential geodesy.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

IAG 126 - SAGGO (Wuhan 2002)

IAG 126 'Satellite Altimetry for Geodesy, Geophysics and Ocenography" is the proceedings of The "International Workshop on Satellite Altimetry for Geodesy, Geophysics and Oceanography: Summer Lecture Series and Scientific Applications". The Workshop was held in Wuhan China in September 2002. The proceedings was edited by Cheinway Hwang (NCTU Taiwan), CK Shum (OSU) and Jiangcheng Li (Wuhan Univ). Series editor was Fernando Sanso.

IAG 126 (Published in 2004)

Cheinway Hwang
(b.1961; PhD OSU 1991)
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