Universiti Al-Qawariyyin dikatakan sebagai univeriti tertua dunia. Univerisiti yang pada awalnya bermula sebagai sebuah madrasah ditubuhkan oleh seorang wanita, Fatima Al-Fihri, pada 859. Fatimah (800-880) adalah seorang yang alim. Beliau anak kepada seorang pedagang kaya berasal dari Qayrawan. . 9. buhka
Al Quaraouiyine, is a university located in Fez, Morocco. It was founded as a mosque by Fatima al-Fihri in 859 and subsequently became one of the leading spiritual and educational centers of the historic Muslim world. It was incorporated into Morocco's modern state university system in 1963 and was officially renamed "University of Al Quaraouiyine" two years later.
Baca tentang Qarawiyyin Uni - wiki; Fatima al-Fihri - wiki.
Qarawiyyin Univerity, Fez
Baca "Al-Qarawiyyin, world’s oldest, continually operating university, was founded by a Muslim woman". daily sabah jun 2020 - link.
The world's oldest university is not in Europe, as most people would assume; it is in Morocco and was founded by a Muslim woman over two centuries before its more widely known predecessors
"Al Qarawiyyin of Fez: The Oldest University in the World". moroccoworldnews 2012 - link.
"What is Al-Qarawiyyin?". qaraproject - link.
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