Banyak kajian dan penulisan tentang Ibnu Sina (980-1037) yang boleh diakses. Antaranya adalah:
"The metaphysics of causation in the creation accounts of Avicenna and Aquinas". Tesis phd Purdue University tahun 2013. Tebal 225 m/surat. Link - purdue.
[Historical introduction - Creation, Aristotelian efficient causatian, Neoplatonic emanation, Problem of creation; Avicenna on creating; Aquinas on creating; Conclusion]
"Ash'arism meets Avicennism: Sayf al-Din al-Amid's doctrine of creation". Tesis phd SOAS tahun 2017. Tebal 284 m/surat. Link - soas.
[Al-Amidi's life and works; Concept of creation in al-Amidis intellectual context; al-Amidi's conception of possibility and necessity; al-Amidi's physical theory; al-Amidi's doctrine of creation; Conclusion]
"Pursuit of excellence by Muslim scientist with special reference to Ibn Sina" Tesis phd Universiti Malaya tahun 2011. Link - studentsrepo.
"Time and time again: A study of Aristotle and Ibn Sina's temporal theories". Tesis phd Pennsylvania Uni tahun 1999. Tebal 422 m/surat. Link - upenn
[Introduction; Rethinking Aristotelian science; An analysis of Aristotelian motion; Aporiai and Endoxa - conditioning the problem space surrounding time; Aristotle on time - demonstrations concerning time and a clarification of the nature of the now; Historical developments and background to Ibn Sina's temporal theory; Ibn Sina's investigation into and confirmation of the essence of time; Ibn Sina's elucidation of the now; Conclusion]
"The materials in the works of Al-Farabi and Ibn Sina on which the metaphysical section of Al-Ghazali's Maqasid is based". Tesis phd Edin Uni tahun 1966. Tesis seliaan Montgomery Watt.
[Method and techniques; Problem of existence; Doctrine of the reality of body; Doctrine of the inseparable relation between matter and form; Doctrine of accidents; God; Attributes of God; Theory of emanation, Conclusion]
"Contributions of Ibn Sina to geographical knowledge". Artikel Indian Journal of Historical Science 1986. Tebal 5 m/surat. Link - aligarh.
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