Monday, November 25, 2019

The application of crustal models in geoid modelling (DSc 2018)

A phd thesis entitled “The application of crustal models in regional modelling of the Earth’s gravity field” was written by Matej Varga (b.1989) of Zagreb University in 2018 (link – zagrebgeodesy). The work was supervised by Tomislav Basic and Dimitris Tsoulis. Varga started by enrollment in Oct 2012, and passed in his proposal in 2015. Varga has benefited from computational coding shared by among others Carl Christian Tscherning (1942-2014), RenĂ© Forsberg, Mario Brkic, Ramazan Alpay Abbak and Jianliang Huang.



Theory – fundamentals of gravitational field, topographic reductions, geoid determination.

Research – data, study area and software; residual gravity field modelling; KTH approach; RcR approach;

Conclusion and future research

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Monday, November 18, 2019

Majlis Pesara 2019

Beberapa staf Geomatik bersara sepanjang 2019. Majlis merai mereka dan staf fakulti lain juga telah diadakan.

Lima staf yang bersara


Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Academie Royale des Sciences

French Academy of Science (atau dalam Perancis dipanggil Academie Royale des Sciences) memberi sumbangan besar dalam geodesi dalam menentukan saiz dan bentuk bumi. Kajian dilakukan oleh mereka melalui beberapa siri ekspedisi pada kurun ke 18.

Entri berikut dipetik dari sebuah ensiklopedia (source -):

Founded in Paris in 1666 under Louis XIV. Its mission was to advance natural philosophy and mathematics and to apply the laws of nature to practical reforms. The academy quickly became a preeminent arbiter of scientific thought, a role it sustained until 1793, when it was dissolved, to be reincarnated in 1795 as part of the Institut de France

Sebuah podium di premis French Academy of Science

Entri mengenai Academie Royale des Sciences boleh dibaca dalam ‘Encyclopedia of the Scientific Revolution From Copernicus to Newton’ terbitan Garland Publishing tahun 2000. Garland Publishing adalah anak syarikat penerbit terkemuka Taylor & Francis.

Source: D – 3a Mac 2019


Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Lighthouse and the Observatory (2018)

Buku “The Lighthouse and The Observatory: Islam, science, and empire in late Ottoman Egypt” oleh Daniel A Stolz (b.1985), Northwestern Uni. Buku terbitan Cambridge U Press tahun 2018.


Introduction: Astronomy, Empire, and Islamic Authority at the End of Days.

Part 1 – Geographies of knowledge

The Deaf Shaykh: Scholarly Astronomy in Late Ottoman-Egyptian Society; Astronomers and Pashas: Viceregal Imperialism and the Making of State Astronomy

Part 2 – Objects of translation

Positioning the Watch Hand: Ulama and the Making of Mechanical Timekeeping in Cairo; Positioning the Planets: Translating French Planetary Tables as Ottoman-Islamic Knowledge

Part 3 – Islam, Science and Authority

Orbits of Print: Astronomy and the Ordering of Science and Religion in the Arabic Press; The Measure of Piety: Making Prayer Times Uniform; Different Standards: The Ramadan Debates and the Establishment of Lunar Crescent Observation

Conclusion: Astronomy, the State, and Islamic Authority at the End of the Day

Source – D 2019 December

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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

80th Anniversary Grafarend

IAG Newsletter melaporkan majlis ulangtahun kelahiran ke-80 Grafarend. Majlis diadakan di Stuttgart Uni. Tradisi akademik di Barat dalam mengingati hari lahir tokoh akademik ialah dengan mengada simposium yang dihadiri oleh rakan akademik serantau. Majlis Grafarend dihadiri oleh 25 ahli akademik. Turut hadir adalah Ferdinand Sanso (dari Milan Itali) dan Poutanen (dari Finland).

Majlis ulang tahun Grafarend ke-80

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Friday, November 1, 2019

Tesis Akademi Sains Negara Islam vs Barat

Sebuah tesis "Academies of sciences and the scientific enterprise in the Islamic world and the West: a comparative study with reference to selected OIC and western countries" telah ditulis di UM. Tesis oleh Moneef Rafe' Zou'bi pada 2012. Kajiannya antara lain menyumbang kepada pemahaman lebih baik mengenai kelemahan kegiatan saintifik di dunia Islam dan ketiadaan budaya sains berbanding Eropah dan Barat.

Kandungan tesis:

Introduction - What are Academies of Sciences?
The scientific enterprise and Academies of Sciences in the Islamic world - the historical context.
The making of the European renaissance and the rise of Academies of Sciences in the West.
Twelve centuries after Bayt al-Hikma - science & technology in the post-colonial Islamic world.
Nature, role, functions and activities of Academies of Sciences today - a global perspective.
Academies of Sciences in the Islamic world and in the West - a comparative study.
Summary and conclusions - enhancing the role of Academies of Sciences in the Islamic world.

Source D 1 2020 lembah bujang

Sebuah jalan dengan nama tokoh matematik - Rue Cassini
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