Wednesday, January 30, 2019

AGU 100 Years


banyak sejarah perkembangan geodesi dirakam dalam bulletin ini.

source - agu.

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Friday, January 25, 2019

what is geodesy?


IAG menerbit sebuah buku ringkas bertajuk what is geodesy?

source - iag.

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Sunday, January 20, 2019

measuring restless earth


membaca 'measuring restless earth: grand challenges in geodesy'.

source - unavco

Monday, January 14, 2019

Ismael Foroughi - Accuracy of the classical height system

Tesis PhD oleh Ismael Foroughi "Accuracy of the Classical Height System". Tesis seliaan MC Santos dan P Vanicek. Examiner Riccardo Barzaghi.


1. Introduction
2. Optimal combination of satellite and terrestrial gravity data for regional geoid determination using Stokes-Helmert's method, the Auvergne test case.
3. Computation of precise geoid model of Auvergne using current UNB Stokes-Helmert approach.
4. In defense of classical height system.
5. Sub-centimeter geoid
6. Conslusions.

Dell D 1c Jan 2019

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Saturday, January 12, 2019

IAG 148 GGHS Thessaloniki 2016

IAG 148 is the proceedings of Int Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2016. The symposium was held in Thessaloniki Greece.

IAG 148 (2018)

Three papers from UNB Geodesy Group:

Rigorous evaluation of gravity field functional from satellite-only gravitational models within topography.
The effect of noise on geoid height in Stokes-Helmert method.
Optimal combination of satellite and terrestrial gravity data for regional geoid determination using Stokes-Helmert's method, the Auvergne test case.
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Friday, January 4, 2019

When the Earth was Flat

Mutakhir ini kedengaran pula perbahasan yang mengatakan bumi ini berbentuk rata bukannya bulat. Perbahasan itu meriah di socmed dan antara yang menyebutnya adalah seorang pengacara tv (mungkin secara sambilan).

Ketika meninjau kedai buku Blackwell (ni sebenarnya pada 0319 bukan 0219) ternampak sebuah buku dengan judul yang seakan sama ... When the Earth was Flat. Perlu juga diperhati tajuk kecilnya 'Studies in Ancient Greek and Chinese Cosmology'. Tajuk kecil ini dengan sendiri menjawab zaman ketika mana pandangan bahawa bumi itu rata di ketengahkan.

When the Earth was Flat

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