Friday, December 28, 2018

Science popularization in a changing world

Sebuah terbitan berjudul "Science popularization in a changing world" diterbitkan hasil usaha bersama Unesco dan Taylor & Francis. Judul kecilnya adalah Impact of Science on Society memuatkan beberapa artikel terpilih dari berbagai negara.

Antara judul artikel adalah;

Science through the cartoonist's eye (Sidney Harris).

Arab scientific journalism - achievements and aspirations (Radwan Mawlawi)

The Institute of Mech Engineer, LDN
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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Detecting the unstable points in deformation monitoring geodetic networks (2017)

Sebuah artikel mengenai GDA dengan tajuk 'Detecting the unstable points in deformation monitoring geodetic networks in analysis method of subnetwork' terbit pada 2017. Artikel oleh Peyman Javadi dari Islamic Azad Uni terbit dalam jurnal Modern Applied Science 11(3).

Cerapan dilakukan menggunakan peralatan GPS.

The Institution of Civil Engineers
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Monday, December 24, 2018

Hari akhir tugas G&G

Sempena hari terakhir bertugas kesempatan diambil bertemu pelajar postgrad yang ada di Lab.

Khalilah, Ella, Nur Adila Zulkifli, dan Astina

Nur Anim, Asyraf, Hanifah dan Hanif Hamden

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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Buku Least Squares Adjustment (2018)

The most current book on least squares adjustment. Written by Ogundare (UNB alumnus) published by Wiley. Publish date Nov 2018.

Buku oleh Ogundare (2018)

(source – Wiley)

Contents – sixteen chapters altogether;

Introduction; Analysis and error propagation of survey observations; Statistical distributions and hypothesis tests; Adjustment methods and concepts; Parametric least squares adjustment – model formulations; Parametric least squares adjustment – applications; Confidence region estimation; Introduction to network design and pre-analysis; Concepts of three-dimensional geodetic network adjustments; Nuisance parameter elimination and sequential adjustment; Post-adjustment data analysis and reliability concepts; Least squares adjustments of conditional models; Least squares adjustment of general models; Datum problems and free network adjustment; Introduction to dynamic mode filtering and predictions; Introduction to least squares collocation and the Krigging methods.

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Friday, December 14, 2018

Laporan Tahunan ljt 2017


LJT membentang laporan tahunan mereka setipa tahun kepada Parlimen Malaysia. Laporan Tahunan 2017 boleh rujuk dari laman Parlimen Malaysia.

Source - parlimen.

Lion Air Delhi

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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

140 Years of FIG

FIG is celebrating its 140 years anniversary. The event was held in Athens Greece on Nov 9, 2018.

140 Years of FIG

Among the speakers during the event was Prof Marinos Kavouras. He is now Vice  Rector of NTUA. He presented a talk “180 Years of NTUA”. This was followed by another presentation also from NTUA “100 Years of the School of Rural and Surveying Engineers-FIG Academic Member” by Dean of SRSE Prof Charalabos Iionnidis.

Prof Ionnidis (b.1959)

PhD 1992 NTUA “Aerial triangulation methods for Cadastre”; Dip-Ing 1982

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Sunday, December 9, 2018

Buku First on the Moon

Antara buku yang paling awal diterbitkan tentang pendaratan angkasawan di Bulan ialah "First On the Moon". Buku pertama kali terbit pada June 1970 dan ulang terbit dengan cover berwarna pada 2002.

Tajuk kandungan buku

Cover (source amazon)
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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Test 2 Mghu 2018

 Test 2 – Adv Eng Svy for taught course Mghu was held today. The test duration is one hour ++.

The attendees

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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Last Lecture – Sghu4803

Today the last lecture for Sghu4803 was held in a two hour session. The topics covered were on the datum problems in LSA and the introduction on VCE. At the end of lecture a photography session was held.

Thanks to all students

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History Research Building on the Postdam

Baca sini (link - potsdam).

Portobelo Architecture
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Monday, December 3, 2018

Senarai Geodesist

Ada pula pengakji yang menyimpan rekod tarih lahir pakar-pakar geodesi sejak zaman silam. Sebagai contoh Isaac Newton rekod lahirnya ialah pada 25 Dec 1642; Johannes Kepler 27 Dec 1571. Senarai yang disediakan mengandungi 17 m/surat.

Rujukan lanjut - geodesists.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

What is Geodesy?

Satu soalan / tajuk yang biasa disampaikan dalam presentation kepada mereka yang baru belajar geodesi. Presentation berikut adalah oleh Maria Karbon di SA.

Rujukan lanjut (maria).

Volcanoes and Earthquakes
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Saturday, December 1, 2018

History of Geodesy (Sneeuw)

Baca presentation oleh Sneeuw.

Among the geodesists mentioned in the presentation together with their contribution;

Willebrord Snell van Roijen aka Snellius (1580-1626) - methodology of triangulation;
Jean-Felix Picard (1620-1682)measures along the Paris meridian to the clock tower to Sourdon, near Amiens (1 deg = 110.46 km)
Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695) develops theory of mathematical and physical pendulum
Isaac Newton (1643-1727) describes the universal gravitation and the three laws of motion
Rene Descartes (1596-1650) - mathematician "Cartesian coordinates"
Giovanni Domenico Cassini (1625-1712) - mapping France; observes flattening of Jupiter
Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (1698-1759) chief member of expedition to Lapland 1736-37
Pierre Bouger (1698-1758) member of expedition to Peru 1735-41

Sumber - stuttgart.

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