Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Buku (1997)

Satellite Orbit Integration based on Canonical Transformations with Special Regard to the Resonance and Coupling Effects.

Chunfang Cui

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Buku 6 (1992)

Relativistic Motion of Gyroscopes and Space Gradiometry.


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Buku 5 (1992)


Buku 4 (1994)

The IFE Absolute Gravity Program "South America" 1988-1991

Wolfgang Torge

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Buku 3 (1996)

Relativistic Modeling for Geodetic Experiments in Local Spacetimes.

Jurgen Kusche

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Buku Geodetic Antartic Project (1996)

Buku oleh Reinhard Dietrich (TU Dresden).

The Geodetic Antartic Project
(link for contents here - source)

Reinhard Dietrich

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PhD oleh Dimitrios Tsoulis (1999)

Semasa menyusun dan mengemas rak ofis banyak buku lama yang ditemui. Antaranya ialah "Analytical and numerical methods in gravity field modelling of ideal and real masses". Buku ini adalah tesis PhD oleh Dimitrios Tsoulis pada 1999.

Tsoulis is a Professor at AUTH, Thessaliniki since Aug 2013. Prior to that he hold Assoc Prof (Mar 2009) and Asst Prof (June 2004), Asst Prof TU Berlin (May 2001). source - link 1; link 2.

Tsoulis's PhD thesis

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Sunday, September 16, 2018

Indoor positioning technologies - Rainer Mautz 2012

A habilitation thesis "Indoor positioning technologies" by Rainer Mautz (b.1969) at ETH Zurich in 2012. The work was supervised by Prof Hilmar Ingensand. The copy is downloadable from eth - link.
Rainer website is here - mautz.

Rainer Mautz Habilitation (2012)

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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

UNB TLS Research 2018

Banyak kajian tentang TLS yang boleh dirujuk sejak dari pengenalannya hinggalah kini.
Di UNB satu kajian PhD berkait TLS yang sedang berjalan ialah "Automated handling of reflection for elimination of incorrect points and object reconstruction from laser point cloud". Research diusahakan oleh Enuenweyoi Daniel Okunima dan diselia oleh Peter Dare.

PhD proposal (2018)

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PGM2016 Geoid Model for Philippines (2016)

Read about the new geoid model for Philippines - PGM2016. The work was presented at a workshop in Nepal in December 2016.

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GGHS 2 - Copenhagen 2018

IGFS and Commission 2 of IAG will organize an international symposium - GGHS 2 "Gravity Field of the Earth" on Sep 17-21, 2018. The symposium will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark and the LOC is chair by Rene Forsberg.

GGHS 2 - Copenhagen 2018

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PhD Vegard Ophaug NULS 2017

A PhD thesis "Geodetic observations and modelling of gravity field, sea level, and ocean dyanamics in the Norwegian coastal zones" was submitted by Vegard Ophaug in 2017. The thesis was submitted to Faculty of Science and Technology, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NULS). The work was supervised by Bjorn Petterson, Christian Gerlach and Kristian Breili.

The Evaluation Committee

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Geoid - Jurnal Geodesy & Geoinformatics Indonesia

Geoid - Journal of Geodesy and Geomatics ialah jurnal yang diterbit oleh the Department of Geomatics Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuloh November (ITS), Indonesia. Terbit dua kali setahun pada Februari dan Ogos.

Link - its.


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Monday, September 10, 2018

Seminar Ukur Deformasi Untuk Jurukur (2000)

CIMES menganjur satu seminar sehari "Seminar Ukur Deformasi Untuk Juruukur". Seminar diadakan pada 25 April 2000. Sesi 1, 2, 3 dan 4 telah disempurnakan berdasarkan bahan yang disampai dalam seminar dalaman sebelum ini.

Aturcara seminar

J/K Penganjur

Senarai peserta yang hadir

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Graham Bell's Mansion - Geomatica (2010)

Geomatica Vol 64 No 4 issue (2010) front cover depicted photograph of Alexander Graham Bell's mansion. The mansion is located at Cape Briton NS.

Geomatica 64(4) 2010

Visit also following link - source1; the herald; ...
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A dynamic reference surface for heights in Canada (2009)

A paper "A dynamic reference surface for heights in Canada" written by Rangelova, Sideris and Fotopoulos published in Geomatica 2009.

Geomatica 63(4):333-340

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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Nota Kuliah Vermeer - Statistical methods in geodesy (2015)

Professor Martin Vermeer telah menerbitkan banyak nota bahan kuliah dalam bentuk online. Salah satunya ialah Statistical methods in geodesy.

Statistical Methods in Geodesy (2015)

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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Katalog Springer 1994

Pada dekad 1990-an sebelum adanya versi online penerbit akademik seperti Springer mempromosi terbitan mereka dalam katalog yang bercetak. Katalog tersebut dapat diperolehi melalui pembekal rasmi atau dengan memohon dari penerbit (seperti Springer) melalui surat. Apa sekali pun ianya memakan masa untuk kita tahu apakah terbitan terkini yang ada.

Katalog terbitan Springer (1994)

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Monday, September 3, 2018

Robust estimation of deformation (2014)

Satu topik yang boleh dicuba kaji sebagai penyelidikan postgrad dalam disiplin analisa deformasi. Diperkenal oleh geodesists dan diterbit dalam J of G pada 2014.

"Robust estimation of deformation from observation differences for free control networks"

Journal of Geodesy (2014)

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Sunday, September 2, 2018

Review of non-parametric models for dam deformation analysis in China (2009)

Paper entitled "Review of non-parametric models for dam deformation analysis in China" written by Deng, Zhang, Szostak-Chrzanowski and Wang. The paper was published in Geomatica 2009.

Geomatica 2009

Read also researchgate.
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Deformation analysis using multi-parameter transformation (2009)

A paper "Deformation analysis using a multi-parameter transformation" was written by Ebeling, Radovanovic and Teskey. The paper was published in Geomatica 63(3):97-107.

Ebeling graduated with Dipl-Ing TU Berlin (2006)

Geomatica 2009

The paper is downloadable - link
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Inverse Analysis of Deformation Surveys

A paper "Inverse analysis of deformation surveys" written by Yong-qi Chen and Yang. The paper was published in Geomatica.


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Baily & Teskey - High-precision Surveys for Machinery Alignment (1992)

Baily and Teskey have wrote a paper "Close-range high-precision surveys for machinery alignment". The paper was published in Geomatica 1992.

Geomatica 1992

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Deformation Analysis - Biacs & Teskey (1990)

A paper by Biacs and Teskey " Deformation analysis of survey networks with interactive hypothesis testing and computer graphics". The paper was published in CISM Journal 1990.

CISM Journal ACSGC 1990 pp. 403-416

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Saturday, September 1, 2018

Flat Earth and Amazon (2008)

A book "Measuring the New World: Enlightenment Science and South Ameria" was published by U of Chicago Press in 2008.

Brief highlight

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