There were a number of deformation cases reported in the last thirty years or so. Following are among the notable one;
1. Teton Dam (1976) with 11 casualties and 20,000 live stocks.
2. Mountain side near Shin Tan collapsed into Yang-tze River (1984). No casualty (why?). Extensive monitoring exercises; such failure correctly predicted; evacuation takes place one week prior to incident.
3. Zeuzier Arch Dam, Southern Switzerland - continued deformation disclosed abnormalities in 1978 (after 20 years in operation).
The lessons learned - it is worth of investment for society. What is needed? - instrumentation & procedures/methodology; software; expertise. [k-economy = dedicated professionals]. It is not a side-line venture (why?) prone to misleading outcome; wrong interpretation because without knowing overall situation/requirement/rigor]
Zeuzier Arch Dam, Switzerland (case no. 3)
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