Friday, June 24, 2016

Pelajar PSM 2016

Minggu ini merupakan minggu terakhir pelajar 4Sghu di UTM. Mereka telah menduduki peperiksaan kertas terakhir pada Isnin lalu (19/6). Tugasan terakhir masing-masing ialah untuk menghantar tesis PSM yang telah dibinding.

pelajar yang membuat PSM di bawah saya turut menghantar tesis mereka pada hari ini. Mereka ialah Kamarul dan Nur Khalilah. Judul PSM Kamarul ialah "Strategy towards the improvement of height datum in Sarawak" manakala Khalilah pula "Development of deformation modelling routine and incorporating into existing geodetic deformation analysis computational package".

Foto bersama Kamarul dan Nur Khalila
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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Pemergian Ibu Encik Shahlan

Selesai sahaja majlis NC satu berita sedih diterima iaitu kematian ibu Encik Shahlan (pensyarah Geomatik). Arwah meninggal setelah uzur sekian lama pada usia lebih 90 tahun. Kunjungan ziarah dilakukan oleh empat staf fakulti iaitu TDPI, PM Din, Encik Imzan dan saya sendiri. Rombongan bertolak pergi selepas zohor dan kembali ke Skudai selepas asar.

Rombongan berziarah ke rumah Arwah
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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Lawatan NC ke FGHT

Pada pagi ini NC datang melawat FGHT. Sempena lawatan tersebut satu sesi engagement telah diadakan. Menurut jadual majlis bermula jam 9.15 pagi namun berlaku kelewatan kerana beliau terpaksa hadir satu mesyuarat penting di luar jadual mengenai isu slide kuliah Titas.

Sesi engagement bermula dengan taklimat Dekan dan kemudiannya ucapan NC. Sesi berakhir dengan soal-jawab yang mana hanya dua staf yang menanya iaitu Prof Alias dan Prof Mazlan. Kehadiran ramai kerana program dimasukkan sebagai slot latihan.

Antara staf yang hadir majlis tersebut
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Sunday, June 19, 2016

PSM Thesis Submission

Final date for PSM Thesis submission was set on June 26. But a number of students have managed to get their thesis done and binding ahead of the due date. At least two of them have came to my room to submit theirs.

Among the early submissions
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Thursday, June 16, 2016

3rd JISDM TU Vienna (2016)

Report below is taken from Journal of Geodesy July 2016 Issue (available online today) ;
3rd JISDM 2016

3rd Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM) was held at TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology), Austria, from 30th March to 1st April 2016 organized by the Research Group Engineering Geodesy of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation. It follows the more than 40 years old tradition of the FIG Symposium series on Deformation Measurements and of the IAG Symposium series on Geodesy for Geotechnical and Structural Engineering expressing the tight collaboration between these two geodetic organizations. The symposium is the most important geodetic meeting worldwide dealing with the topics on geodetic monitoring and deformation analysis. During the three-day-long meeting, the entire spectrum of deformation studies was covered. One aim of the symposium was to reflect contributions from different fields of geodesy and geomatics, such as engineering geodesy, spatial geodesy, photogrammetry, and remote sensing. 

Around 150 participants from 25 countries attended the successful conference.

Group Photo (source - Journal of Geodesy)
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Monday, June 13, 2016

MSc Proposal Session

This afternoon I was asked to chair a MSc Proposal presentation session. The session starts at 2.30pm and it lasted about one hour and a half. The research proposal deals with an application of GPR for archaelogical purpose. The GPR survey will be done at two sites - Sungai Batu Kedah and Pudu Jail.

MSc proposal session (Husna)
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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Final Exam Sghu4803

The final exam for Sghu4803 (Deformation Survey) was held this morning. The exam ran for two and a half hours. All twenty two students sat the exam. The earliest submitted the answer script after just one hour.

Photo one

Photo 2

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Report LI dan Buku Log 2016

Para pelajar 3sghu yang menjalani LI telah diminta untuk menghantar laporan lengkap LI beserta buku log. Kedua-dua item ini akan diserahkan pula kepada para panel untuk penilaian. Satu laporan adalah untuk setiap tempat LI meski pun lebih dari seorang yang menjalani LI di syarikat tersebut. Bermakna laporan LI boleh dibuat secara berkumpulan. Manakala buku log pula adalah wajib untuk semua pelajar menghantarnya.

Laporan LI dan Buku Log

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Sunday, June 5, 2016

LI Presentation - Space

Today a LI presentation for Space students were held at UTM Skudai campus. The presentations were ran in parallel session at different rooms. I was asked to listen to presentation at Seminar Room with five students participated. The session was supposed to starts at 8 but only got started at 9. It was almost an hour session for each student.

The first presenter was a student working at a construction company. The second is working at Agensi Remote Sensing Negara, the third is a Lab Assistant at a school in Kedah. The last two are working at Jupem KL.

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Friday, June 3, 2016

Kuliah Khas Graviti & Geoid

Satu kuliah khas dengan tajuk graviti dan geoid telah diadakan petang tadi. Kuliah disampaikan kepada dua pelajar yang bakal membuat PSM pada sesi depan. Mereka telah diberi tajuk yang melibatkan data graviti dan perhitungan geoid. Kuliah telah disampaikan sekitar satu jam dengan penekanan kepada perkara asas mengenai graviti dan geoid.

Dua bakal pelajar PSM sesi depan

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Thursday, June 2, 2016

PSM Sesi Khas

Satu sesi khas PSM diadakan pada petang ini untuk seorang pelajar. Beliau memohon diadakan sesi khas menggantikan sesi asal seperti mana dijadualkan. Sesi khas ini telah berlangsung di BK 4 mengambil masa 40 minit.

Sesi khas PSM (pelajar Aiman)
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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Majlis Sambutan Ramadan BKFGHT

Sempena menyambut kedatangan Ramadan satu majlis telah diadakan oleh BKFGHT. Majlis berlangsung di DK 1 dengan tazkirah ringkas yang disampaikan oleh PM Dr Ajmain Safar. Majlis diikuti pula dengan bacaan tahlil juga dipimpin oleh Ustaz Ajmain. Kemudiannya jamuan makan tengah hari diadakan di Dataran Harmonis.

Majlis Sambutan Ramadan anjuran BKFGHT
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