Wednesday, December 29, 2010

System Earth via Geodetic-Geophysical Space Techniques 2010

A thick 587 pages book "System Earth via Geodetic-Geophysical Space Techniques" was published by Springer in 2010. The book was edited by Frank Flechtner (GFZ), Thomas Gruber (TU Munchen), Andreas Guntner (GFZ), Miora Mandea (IPGP France), Markus Rothacher (ETH Zurich), Tilo Schone (GFZ) and Jens Wickert (GFZ). The book is the continuation of the book series on Champ, Grace and Goce mission results. The first book in this series was "Observation of the Earth System Space" published in 2006 and was edited by Flury, Rummel, Reigber, Rothacher, Boedecker  and Schreiber.

Flechtner et al (Springer 2010)


Part 1 - Champ and Grace; Part II - Grace; Part III - Goce; Part IV - Seavar (Sea Level Variation); Part V - Tivagam (Continental Water Storage Variations from Grace Time-Variable Gravity Data); Part VI - NRT-RO (Near Real Time Provision and Usage of Global Atmospheric Data from Champ and Grace); Part VII _ Magfield (The Earth's magnetic field at the Champ satellite epoch); Part VIII - GGOS-D
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Monday, December 20, 2010

IAG 135 - Gravity, Geoid & Earth Observation - Crete (2008)

IAG 135 "Gravity, Geoid & Earth Observation" is the proceedings of the IAG International Symposium Commission 2 - Gravity Field. The symposium was held in Chania, Crete, Greece in June 2008. The proceedings was edited by Stelios P Mertikas of TU Crete.

Besides covering the traditional research areas (i.e., gravity, geoid and geodynamics), special attention was paid to the use of geodetic methods for: Earth observation, environmental monitoring, Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS), Earth Gravity Models (e.g., EGM08), geodynamics studies, dedicated gravity satellite missions (i.e., GOCE), airborne gravity surveys, Geodesy and geodynamics in polar regions, and the integration of geodetic and geophysical information.

IAG 135 (Published in 2010)
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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Surveillance & Monitoring Symposium Melbourne (1989)

Another institution whom active in handling symposium on deformation besides the one organized by FIG is the Department of Surveying, U of Melbourne. They have organized an event "Surveillance & Monitoring Symposium - SAMS '89. The symposium was held at Melbourne University in November 1989.

Proceedings SAMS'89
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Groten - Airborne Gravimetric Studies 1989

An early paper on airborne and satellite borne gravimetric studies was written by Erwin Groten way back in 1989. This is among the pioneer papers on airborne gravimery. Groten is with Institute of Physical Geodesy, TU Darmstadt. The paper among others discussed the principles of airborne and satellite borne recovery of the gravity field where the ideas of global gravity field determination based on spherical harmonics expansion.

Source - elsevier

Edwin Groten (b.1935)
Dipl-Ing TUM 1959; PhD TUM 1963

Groten works in early days with R Sigl and retired in 2003. Groten cv can be read here - iugg.
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Numerical solution of Molodensky problem – Sideris & Schwarz (1988)

During period 1987- 88 saw many research developments on gravity field reported by Calgary group. One of them is a paper “Advances in the numerical solution of the linear Molodensky problem” by MG Sideris and KP Schwarz published in Bulletin Geodesique 62:5-69 (now known as J of G).


Source – BG1988.

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Monday, December 13, 2010

OSU GS Geodynamic Program 1988

OSU Geodetic Survey is very active in geodynamics program. In 1988 a report "Basic research for geodynamics program (at OSU)" was prepared for NASA by GS Dept. Report by Ivan I Mueller covers activity from July 1, 1987 through June 30, 1988.

Ivan I Mueller (retired in 1992)
source - iugg

Among the activities covered were;

1. Earth Rotation Parameter Determination from Different Space Geodetic Systems
2. Utilization of Range-Difference Observations in Geodesy
3. An Algorithm for Crustal Deformation Analysis
4. Orbit Determination for the Global Positioning System of Satellites
5. Reference Frames for Geodynamics

Among the publications as research outcome were;

1. Further Considerations on Combining Earth Rotation Observations from Different Space Geodetic Systems, Bulletin Geodesique, 1988.
2. Baseline Estimation with Semidynamic and Geometric Satellite Methods, Bulletin Geodesique, 1988 or 1989.
3. Orbit Determination for the Global Positioning System Satellites, First Quarterly Status Report, January, 1988
4. Reference Coordinate Systems: An Update, Proc. International Summer School of Theoretical Geodesy on Theory of Satellite Geodesy and Gravity Field Determination, May 23-June 3,1988, Assisi, Italy

Read report by Ivan Mueller submitted to NASA (source - here)

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

UNB's paper at FIG 1988 Symposium

There were a number of papers by UNB SE group presented at 1988 Symposium. Among them were;

"Integration of the GPS with geodetic levelling surveys in ground subsidence studies"

"Integration of geotechnical and geodetic observations in the geometrical analysis of deformations at the Mactaquac generating station"

Mactaquac Dam
(the case studies of deformation monitoring survey were done by UNB SE team)
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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Deformation Symposium - Fredericton (1988)

Dept of SE UNB hosted the 5th FIG Symposium on Deformation Measurement held in Fredericton on June 1988. The organizing committee of the symposium was chaired by Prof Adam Chrzanowski.


The proceedings

I have made a wrong move not attending this symposium even though were there. I took leave instead and went home for summer break.
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