Selain syarikat Wild ada sebuah lagi syarikat yang amat sinonim sebagai pengeluar peralatan ukur iaitu Kern. Kedua-dua syarikat pengeluar ini berpengkalan di Switzerland.
Berikut adalah beberapa catatan ringkas tentang sejarah syarikat Kern. Kesemua info dipetik dari sumber berikut (link - kern milestones):
1819: Founding of Mechanische Werkstattle "Jakob Kern" Aarau, Switzerland. The first items produced were drawing instruments.
1835: Later, he became well known for his geodetic and astronomical instruments including the theodolite which was purchased in 1835 for the well known General Dufour, who made the first triangulation survey in Switzerland.
Theodolite produced by Kern in 1835
1857: The two sons of Jacob join the firm - Adolf Kern-Saxer and Emil Kern-Rychner.
1857: new location - Zieigel, Aarau
1863: Jacob Kern retired from business
1885: Adolf Kern retired from the business and his son Heinrich Kern (1857-1934) assumed management responsibility for the firm.
1887: Emil Kern retired from business
1914: Foundation of a company Kern & Co AG.
1933: Heinrich Kern retired from business. His son Walter Kern (*1888) was managing the firm.
1933: Heinrich Wild signed an agreement for manufacturing a new theodolite with Kern Aarau.
13 May 1988: Merged with the Wild Leitz group.
1991: After over 170 years, the company Kern & Co. Ltd. Aarau closes.
Baca juga kern aarau (link).
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