A geodesy book entitled "Global Geodetic Observing System" was published by Springer in 2009. The book was edited by Hans-Peter Plag (U of Nevada, Reno) and Michael Pearlman (Havard-Smithsonian Center of Astrophysics, Cambridge MA).
1) Introduction; 2) The goals, achievements, and tools of modern geodesy; 3) Understanding a dynamic planet: Earth science requirements for geodesy; 4) Maintaining a modern society; 5) Earth observation: serving the needs of an increasingly global society; 6) Geodesy: foundation for exploring the planets, the solar system and beyond; 7) Integrated scientific and societal user requirements and functional specifications for the GGOS; 8) The future geodetic reference frame; 9) The future GGOS; 10) Towards GGOS in 2020; 11) Recommendation.
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