IAG 132 "Observing Our Changing Earth" is the proceedings of the IAG General Assembly held in Perugia Italy in July 2007. The proceedings was edited by Michael Sideris. The 2007 Assembly attracted over 400 geodesists from 49 countries, including 120 students.
This volume contains the proceedings of these five Symposia, which are listed below:
Symp GS001: Reference Frames [Convener: H. Drewes; Co-convener: A. Dermanis]
Symp GS002: Gravity Field [Convener: C. Jekeli; Co-conveners: U. Marti, S. Okubo, N. Sneeuw, I. Tziavos, G. Vergos, M. Vermeer, P. Visser]
Symp GS003: Earth Rotation and Geodynamics [Convener: V. Dehant; Co-convener: Chengli Huang]
Symp GS004: Positioning and Applications [Convener: C. Rizos; Co-convener: S. Verhagen]
Symp GS005: The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) [Conveners: M. Rothacher; Co-conveners: R. Neilan, H.-P. Plag]
IAG 133 (Published in 2009)
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